I've decided to change the abit about me cause to be honest it never stays the same! so i'll tell you where i'm at now and my thoughts .....I'm still learning and becoming stronger each day and feel i'm heading in a direction thats going to make me happy if i stick to it!!!As you all know life is f*cking hard and lets face it it's the truth but yet we still keep going forward or back in my case ...but i'm working on that bit and i spill my heart out as i write xI guess learn to comfortable in your own skin before you consider letting anyone in it i'm on a massive journey right now and continue on it so i guess you could say the journey is called 'life'i've now entered a new chapter in my life which has left a lot of my old one behind with great sadness.i have left everything that meant anything to me behind but u gotta do what you have to do sometimes and they are in my heart always..even if they think differentlythere's one thing i can say is that if u ever find someone u love don't ever let them go and hold them tight cause one day u might look around and there gone forever.depressing thought but it's human nature to realise the phrase 'u don't know what u've got till it's gone'i hope one day i find my true happiness and to u who reads this,that i'm still searching...do we ever truly find it????so i now wanna raise my glass to each and everyone who reads this to say hope your enjoying your rollcoaster of a ride such as life just be happy to be alive and let's remember the simple things in lifeSo raise ur glasess and get ready for your ride ....life is one big rollercoaster ....respect,love lou xxxxxxxxxx mwah