I'm a Mutualist Anarchist. I love to socialise and party but not to the point of monotony. I love animals, people, the environment & ecology which sustains us. I'm a dreamer but a practical one so that my ideas do not violate someone elses choice & free will.
I believe in free will and self-determination and do not believe that I am a victim of the astrological universe where the stars decide my fate without my agreement.
I'm non-violent except in self-defence. Anyone who willfully harms another mentally, emotionally or physically, except in self-defence, is a scumbag and a detriment to all existence
A sense of humour is vital to get through this life with all it's knocks so I can talk complete rubbish as though I was having a serious conversation as easily as I can have a serious conversation. I guess this makes me seem complicated or confusing but taking the mickey out of life and people who make life miserable is part of my personality with it's black humour.
I've been a Manchester United fan since the age of 12 & love teasing my friends Nats, Kratos, Mystical Pixel and Smackdat when Man United beats Liverpool ;o).
I'm a Spur addict and my favourite radio station is 5FM.
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