I'd like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony.
Ani Difranco, Natalie Dee, David Foster Wallace, Umberto Eco, Kurt Vonnegut
As cliche as it is, I like at least some representative of most musical genres. My high school was very classic rock, I drew Doors logos on my bookcovers. I really got into punk and 'alternative' rock in late high school. Then came the neohippie jamband phase as Phish and Widespread took over. I love bluegrass and old time string band stuff, the most raucously fun music ever. What I fail to appreciate: modern country music, hyper-preachy gospel, and smooth jazz. I seriously almost got in a fight over Kenny Chesney the other night.
Anything by David Foster Wallace or Umberto Eco or Joseph Campbell. Arturo-Perez Reverte.
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net