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.. ..My name is Bean.I build blanket forts.I wipe boogers under people's car handles.LIKES: .Road Trips/adventures. .Hiking. .Bikram yoga. .Books. .My Bike(s). Book binding. .Paper mache. .crocheting. .Camping. .Reading. .school..Yard/garage sales. .music. .trees.DISLIKES: .hospitals. .Microwaves. .Crispers(were lettuce gets forgotten and transforms into green sludge). .Eating enough dog hair in my sleep to knit a sweater.Balkan Beat Box!BLUES, BLUES, BLUES. Eat that tin sandwich!..src="http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a93/cotters trom/Littleaccordion.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">Depends on my mood.- You know, the good stuff. Do you really want me to name them ALL?!KRCL 90.9 FM (Utah). ..
First of all, anything MEL BROOKS, Tarantino, anything that makes me laugh, & lots of documentries. Also Baraka, Koyaanisqatsi, & Powisqatsi....LOTS! ...
Television is the mediated equivalent of junk food...Usually i'de rather be doing other things.. like MOUNTAIN BIKING!
Vonnegut. Ayn Rand. craft and crocheting books. Lots of non-fiction.
The fire fighters who saved our puppies. Amy Goodman. Rocky Anderson. ..there's more i'm sure...Oh yeah... your mom.