music is a really big part of my life. so is hanging out by the fire and haveing a drink or 234. I like snowmobileing and out door activitys . but of course I like the tv (everybody has a flaww or ten).
I have all kinds of freinds It really don't matter I give everybody a good chan Free Myspace Graphics
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man o man I like music from the dead to pantara to the band or zepplin johnny cash oh!! and I love the local bands around my local area.AND I LOVE MY FOLKS PAUL AND ELLEN (MOM AND DAD).
gotta love the scarface and the reservior dogs ,300 was awsome ,oh and wrong turn 2 is just gore hehe!
that 70s show (love fezz funny little fucker) , weeds is awsome , the simpsons , who wants to be a millionair wahooo!!!! I do. king of the hill and cops bad bad boys !
IM reading into the wild now so far so good ,catcher in the rye is awsome and ann rice is a good writer,but I don't read often but a little.
MOM The mother of my child and all who will help others