The Irritants profile picture

The Irritants

The Irritants

About Me

Jeb and Julian live in California. Jakob moved out to California, but came back and he is now playing with a group of friends of ours. Alton still lives in Vero and playsGuitar for SMALL SCALE AFFAIR. Red still lives in Vero and is still cute as a cut wrist and she is expecting a lil one soon!!....UPDATE*** Red had her kid. It's a lil girl.
Check Out Alton's New Band Small Scale Affair
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.1

My Interests


Member Since: 5/17/2005
Band Members: Jeb - Guitar and Vocals, Julian - Bass and Vocals, Alton - Guitar and Vocals, Jakob - Drums and noize, Christina(Red) - Part Time Growls, Tour entertainment(Not like that get yur mind out of the gutter), All around security and weapons enthusiast, & Spiritual Guidance
Influences: Too many to name. But mostly old skool punk and street punk.
Sounds Like: PUNK ROCK!!!
Type of Label: None