JOHNFIST profile picture


Im happy to say that..................................................i rule!!!!!!

About Me

This is my band HATEFIST. We kick ass.
I have an AIM and it is johnwwinters1234 feel free to shoot me a message!!!!!
Hatefist is my band that I put my life into. You should go to our shows!!!!!
About me huh?! Well, I play in 2 bands: my band Hatefist out of Seattle Washington (this is my baby) and also I play in a band called Vengince based out of Oakland CA. Playing music is my favorite thing in the world. I have been playing guitar for about 10 years and I don't see myself stopping for any reason.
I really like my work. I record bands in studios and I also work for a company called Seattle Music. We record music for films, games, albums and anything else that needs orchestra. I work with the greatest people in the biz, Brian, Jon, Kory, Josh, David and Simon not to mention the great musicians that play. The hours are long, but it is way better than flipping burgers.
I like sports. I have been a Mariners fan ever since Adam and Eave started getting it on. I know they have sucked ass the last few years but they will turn over one day. I love the Seahawks too. I wish they would have won the Superbowl but I wont cry about it or blame it on the refs like the rest of Seattle did. I like the Sonics too, but..........they suck and I don't care enough to wine about it, but I would rather them win than lose. I like to go hiking in the mountains and prance in the forest like I am in the Lord of the Rings.
Other things about me: I like burgers, girls, vodka, rum, jager, movies, Metal, bla bla bla, bla bla bla. If you want to know more, just hit me up. I’m really easy to get a long with (now this sounds like a dating add).
This is our video "Armed Invasion"
This is from the Warfield Theater in San Fran. This is when we opened for Disturbed.
Get this video and more at

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Ken Griffey jr, Andy Sneep, Terry Date, The ass hole who shot dime bag so we can do really bad things to him, the guys in Machine Head (again), Max Caverlia (or how every you spell his name), Monte O Conner, Amber Pacific, Raven Rialley, and any other bands, sports figures, porn stars, and anyone else I deem neat.


click here to get my bands full length album. Its only 10 bucks and it will really help us a lot!

Hatefist (my band)
Machine Head
Bleading Through
Dillinger Escape Plan
The Red Chord
Sucide Silence
Pantera (of course)
metallica (old and new, I don't care)
Drown Mary (my boys)
Every Time I Die
Vengince (the other band I'm in)
Norma Jean
Fear Factory
FMLY (good friends)
Nodes of Ranvier
Strapping Young Lad
Stuck Mojo
And Im shure there is a million other I just cant think of rignt now.


Just to name a few:


I hate TV. Unless the M's are playing.


power book G4 with a 17 inch screen.


Well my friends this was November 23rd 1997. This is me and Mr. Dimbag. I feel very lucky that I had this chance. I wanted to get this picture signed one day, but that can never happen.

This is Sasquatch. He is a 25 pound MAN with 6 toes on each paw. He is my animal and he obeys!!!!!

This is Hobbit. He is a good creature.

And this is Elvis very very good domesticated animal!