i'm 5ft 8in. I graduated from Newark high. I also graduated from C-Tec this year for early childhood education. I have 1 brother (younger) and 1 sister (younger).I try to get along with everyone but it doesn't always work. I want to work in social services so I am going to college at COTC studying Human Services with the social services option. I hate people who go to other people and start shit that aint true. I wish people would just get over themselves.****I have all the love in the world for my girl ashley neece...she is in love with a great guy and i think they will be together forever...and she is always there for me as i am for her....she can help you work through anything***...if your lookin for a babysitter in newARK OR heath let me know. I'm pretty much an easy person to get along with until you stab me in the back or hurt my friends and/or family. Wanna know more? Just ask.
Love me or hate me......personally I DON'T Care. And yes...I am one of those obsessed TWILIGHT girls.♥ Find more twilight layouts at robert-p-daily.com