The Frozen Ocean ($4.99 on ITUNES) profile picture

The Frozen Ocean ($4.99 on ITUNES)

About Me

The Frozen Ocean is a collection of songs I, Dave Swanson, have written over the course ofthe last 3 years. Thematically they chronicle 3 days and nights of explorer Henry Hudson,lost and alone in the frozen Arctic ocean. Lyrically they talk about struggles and victoriesof forgiveness, love, loss and faith. The Frozen Ocean EP is a very personal CD and thelyrics display the best and worst parts of myself. I've tried to create a world within thesesongs, to transport the listener to a different place. I hope you enjoy listening to thesesongs half as much as I have enjoyed making them.

To contact me, please send a message through this Myspace.

Merchandise will be available soon!

Banners and other promotional materials coming soon!

My Interests


Member Since: 25/02/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Dave Swanson, Neil Keller, Eric Dellon, Jon Cooke, Adam Harrell, Jay Mar, Andy Nelson, and Josh Kellam
Influences: Danny Elfman, Brian Eno, Gustavo Santaoalla, Explosions in the Sky, and Sigur Ros
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Come and Live
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New Ep, Shows and Downloads

Hey Guys and Gals, Lots going on the past few months.. Here's a quick updateNew EPI'm about halfway through writing the next album and it's coming together well. Where the last album was a combination...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Aug 2009 06:38:00 GMT

frozen ocean widget

On the bottom are links to both my snocap and amazon stores.
Posted by on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 04:19:00 GMT

New Album Explanation

So now that the cd is done I thought it would be a good idea to explain it in further detail. Thematically the songs chronicle 3 days and nights in the life of Henry Hudson lost on the Arctic Ocean. ...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 06:26:00 GMT