What's Shakin' world? Blake here with a new update! I am glad to say that I have seven new songs from the studio. John Evans produced the record, AND Steve Christenson engineered, might I say he flew in from NEW YORK CITY, and just finished Steve Earle's new record! How cool is that!!!! We had a great time, and I'll be adding more material, in addition to the songs we already have. Stand by all... this is a freakin heck of a ride. This record is one that has been a long time comming. I will no longer be doing shows under Blake Thompson. I will be doing the shows under "ZIGGY MOONSHINE." Don't ask... We've come up with a new record, and a totally changed person. So look for ZIGGY MOONSHINE in your area. There is always an update, so stay tuned. Down load the songs that are here, because they have changed and you wont be able to get them when the new songs release. Or I guess you will have to BOOTLEG them.
Peace, love and tranquility... BLAKE THOMPSON (AKA ZIGGY MOONSHINE)