B14NC4 [FRIENDS ONLY] profile picture


About Me

Yes , i know ... " why do you have 2 myspaces ? " well
its because my other one clearly has way too many
people added to keep track of them all and write back to
each and every one of my shit load of messages. I will
be keeping this one only for people "I" want to add
or people that i would like to be added to my friends
list. If i deny you sorry ... get the fuck over it .
Not everyone is going to add you when you want them to .

"Too many people think that I'm a concept, or
I complete them, or I'm gonna make them alive. I'm
just a fucked up girl who's looking for my own peace
of mind. Don't assign me yours."
-Profile best viewed with mozilla firefox-
Now i can see everything you bitches steal.
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro file&friendid=197703624
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(I didn't write
this shit for nothing)
dont add me to boost up your friends
this is not a high school or a popularity competition.
if your some moronic emo band dont
even think about it, youve been blocked.
i usually do not add private profiles nor men unless
i know who you are . No , i'm not a sexist. i just think
most guys on here are all fucking slobs.
dont send me huge pictures
on my comments, please.
something i loath the most, "thanks for the add"..
thats ineffective dont comment me or
message me at all if thats what you have to say to me.
dont expect a reply if you message me saying
"sup" or "whats up"
and dont expect me to add you if you don't
even send me a considerable message
No, i will not meet up with some saggy balled savage
looking for a pleasurable no brained young one.
I am more knowledgeable and resourceful than that.
Bianca , and no you may not call me anything else
already somebody's baby
such a weak person inside
very happy with everything in my life right now and i
have been ever since the day i met him.
the girl with the big boots and wierd clothes your
always staring at
successful at almost everything i do
aspiring photographer/model
capable of many things , dont ever underestimate me.
the girl who is least to give a FUCK
about what you have to say

NOT goth/punk/metal/emo/scene or any of that nature.
(Go back to the first line of this list if you still don't know)
my boyfriend
my friends
being respected
horror movies
sharp things
clothing right out of the dryer
the sun ( Just becuase im not like you all...
i dont tan , i get burned.)
loud , annoying and persistent people
when people label me
attention seekers
fake modesty
I sit in the drivers seat of my life and as for
you , you stay in the passengers.
It takes several years for people to develop a
reputation. But, it only takes me 1 minute to ruin yours.
My inspirations have all suddenly run dry
I have no conscience on what i'm becoming.
I have no luck in life.
if your going to threat me , do it right.
Follow through with your pitiful plans before
i get to you.
I miss too many people and too many things
The worst is over now , and i can breath again
My mother will always be the most important woman
in my life.
Dont ever try winning an argument with me for what i
believe in , you will easily be annihilated.
I like to handle ridiculous people and situations
at my own pace. Karma takes far too long on my part.
kissing ass won't help you change my negative
opinions of you
i have no patients for people with personality crisis
I can pretty much say i have the senses of a dog.
I sence fear , harm , bitches , useless humans and
bullshit from wherever im standing.
Get over it, You dont scare me
i'd rather brutally slaughter any human than to
ever harm an animal
i hate to see old people hurt in any type of way, it
breaks my heart
ive got a morbid past that tears me to pieces
i have very bad kidney problems
My ultimate phobia ... roaches.
I carry a very ragged heart and I'm fine with that
Half of you people can't even stomach me, let alone stand me
i love my friends to death and will always be
there for them whenever they need me .when i say
"friends" i mean a very closely chosen group
of individuals.
For once i wish you all would stop your bitching
and bragging on how your "oh so unique" and different
from every other person in this world. Excuse me for
bursting your damn bubble but a million people probably
have the same hairstyle piercings and clothing as you &
guess what? you where them no differently than a
million others. Look at the situation like this.
Stand yourself next to someone and tell them "Hey, I know
how to eat, sleep, blink & shit. Therefor I'm unique"
and i promise you they'll look at you like your a
stupid-ass. Yes, We all have a certain
difference and uniqueness to ourselves but your still
nothing beyond the ordinary. quit telling your self
that & why dont you go to a person who has 3 fucking
tits and 1 eye and let them know how unique they
really are.
ive lost too many special people in my life
you give me commotion i'll handle you straight up the
way you deserve to be handled
i have zero tolerance for deficient idiots
i will not have conversations with people
i see no intelligence in
i will always speak my mind whether i end up
looking like an asshole or not
i clean out my friends list every 2 weeks, so if i
delete you for not talking ... thats not my fault.
all of you gave me the name of being a "bitch" thinking it
was going to hurt me but
its only brought me more respect from everyone else.
violence is the resolution to most of my problems
& for the next time my name is about to roll out
of any of your mouths , choke on it bitch .
dont like me ? step up, bitch
Please, check out my shop.
I will love you forever
Your also welcome to take my banners :)
"The most extensive of all the morbid mental
conditions which reflect themselves so disastrously
in the human system is the state of fear.
It has many degrees of gradation, from
the state of extreme alarm, fright, and
terror, down to the slightest shade of apprehension
of intending evil. But all along the line it
is the same thing -- a paralyzing impression
upon the centers of life which can produce,
through the agency of the nervous system, a
vast variety of morbid symptoms in every tissue of the body."
--Dr. William H. Holcomb (Omkar)

For all of you who dont know... i have 5 different
myspace's. This one , my public profile, my music
profile , me any my boyfriends connected profile and the
myspace for my shop. Other than myspace the links below
are the ONLY other profiles i have . NO, i
do not have a vampirefreaks neither do i have a
morbid beauties or darkstarlings. If you find anything
other than the links below its NOT me and i would
ask you for the favor of please letting me know if you
find any imposter's. THANK YOU
Click to contact me at:
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You'll be sorry when im gone .

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