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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i lost track of how many times i've filled up these about my statements (on the net, guidance forms, orientations.. blah blah). so, i'll just make this one short. for those who already know me, you'd probably skip this part right? BUT for the benefit of those who wish to know me, or at least know something about me i'd spill in just a few details. so read on.
1. i'm a simple person. i dont like to make things complicated and turn it into something more than what it really is.
2. i'm frank but i'm not bluntly inconsiderate.
3. some people say that they always see me smiling, some say the contrary. some claim that i'm weird.. but hey, just because i get goofed face and grin spontaneously doesn't mean i'm weird. its just that a random *Funny* memory happens to pop up unexpectedly. wouldn't it look weirder if i'll try to contain my emotions? i'd probably end up looking like i'm constipated or as if i'm on a verge of having a heart attack.
4. so now you've probably guessed that i'm not that hard to please. i really appreciate a good laugh. i laugh at jokes, even the lame ones (well, okay.. it depends on how lame it is) i guess i just wanna say that if you'll tell a joke, your efforts will be appreciated no matter how futile they are. (yep i'm that nice)
5. i'd like to claim that i'm a certified happy-go-lucky-person, but i guess the fact that i worry about certain things doesn't make me one. i mean after all, i do worry about my grades and my future.
6. there are a lot of things on my hate list.
a) waking up early for class
b) bossy, snotty, bitchy people
c) peeps tryin to butt-in on private conversations.
d) fakers
e) people who think they're cool but are actually...stupid
f) hypocrites.. (duh.. who likes them anyway?..)
g) people who think that they're my friends but they're really just.. mere acquaintances. gawd.. the list goes on. i do have a list of my favorite things.. but uhh..nevermind.. lol
7. i dont speak unless i'm spoken to. i like to think..a lot. yes i often appear to be non-chalant.. seemingly uncaring.. but i'm not. and that's probably the only thing that i'll claim about myself..
8. extremely lazy.. in fact.. i'm too lazy to continue my gab.. some other time then?.. perhaps.. tsk tsk hmm... SO MUCH FOR KEEPING THIS SHORT HUH?
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

someone who could make me laugh without even trying

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Posted by on Thu, 26 May 2005 20:36:00 GMT

my favorite song.. herher.. ;)

SAME GROUNDKitchie NadalMy loveIt's been a long time since i criedAnd left you out of the blueIt's hardLeaving you the way When i never really wanted to Self denialIs a game so strange i never r...
Posted by on Thu, 26 May 2005 20:34:00 GMT