*lil bmase* profile picture

*lil bmase*

its only a few chicks i f*ck with outside of 58 so the rest of ya'll can keep hating and running off

My Interests


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Bored To Death? - Click HereThe +200 Question Survey: Everything You Wanna Know Bout Me (and some stuff you probably don't)
Basic Info
Name?: boo
Age?: whatever it is
Height?: 5 '7'
Birthplace?: baltimore
Current location?: naptown
Righty or Lefty?: righty
Hair? (color/length): brown, shoulder length
Eye color?: hazel brown
Family situation?:
Pets?: no
Favorite relative?: n/a
Least favorite relative?: n/a
Heritage?: what u think
Political affiliation?:
Sexuality?: u tell me
Piercings?: yes my tounge
Tattoos?: yes
Do you smoke?: no
Do you drink?: not at the moment
Do you do drugs?: no
What are your fears?: clowns
Do you go to church?: not lately
What's your religion?: n/a
How old are your parents?: in there 40's
What is your G.P.A.?:
How many cousins do you have?: over enough
Do you keep a diary?: no
Do you drink coffee?: yes
Do you cuss?: yes
Do you sing?: no
Do you play an instrument?: no
How many languages do you speak?: 1
Do you write poetry?: yes
Do you like to draw?: sometimes
What country(ies) do you want to visit?:
Do you have a job?: yes
What grade are you in?: out of school
What is your clothing style?:
What sports do you like?: none really
What extra-curricular activities are you in?:
Love Life
Are you in a relationship? Who? And how long?: yes
Are you in love? Or have you ever been?: maybe mand i have been
Do you have a crush on anyone?: lol
How old were you when you had your first kiss?: none ya
Are you a virgin?: yeah!!!!
Where is your favorite place to be kissed?: wouldn't u like to know
Wierdest make-out place?:
What's your favorite love quote/song?: have you ever by brandy
Who is your best friend?: kourtney n nekkai
Who's been your friend the longest?: kourtney
Who's your newest friend?: bmase
Who's your oldest friend? (age):
Who's your youngest friend? (age):
Do you have a penpal?: no
Who's your loudest friend?: kourtney
Who is the best singer?: church
Who is the smartest?: let me think
Who is the most talented?:
How many friends do you have?: not many
Who has the best personality?: laura
Who has the best eyes? (guy):
Who has the best eyes? (girl): me lol
Who is the blondest?: none
Which one(s) do you just want to strangle sometimes?: rather not say
Friends & Words You Associate With Them
Redneck?: none
Shy?: none
Gangsta?: shorty 58
Preppy?: none
Diva?: cyra
Clown?: can't stand them, try to stay away from them
Pimp?: shantel
Crazy?: mellissa
Smiley?: he know who he is lol
For or Against
Gay marriage?: don't care
War?: depends
Guns?: both
Prayer in school?: for
Removal of "Under God" in the pledge?: against
Abortion?: against
This or That
Boxers or briefs?: boxers
Shorts or pants?: pants
Shoes or barefoot?: shoes
Books or movies?: both
Night or day?: night
Mountains or beach?: both
Snow or sun?: sun
Pepsi or coke?: pepsi
Guys or girls?: guys
Swim or surf?: swim
Chocolate or vanilla?: both
Pizza or chinese?: pizza
Waffles or pancakes?: both
Rock or rap?: rap
Egypt or France?: france
McDonalds or Burger King?: mcdonalds
Britney or Christina?: christina
Forks or spoons?: forks
Tongue or no tongue?: tounge
Tailgatin' or goin' to the movies?: movies
Fender or gibson?:
BSB or N*Sync?:
Dogs or cats?: dogs
Favorite color?: blue n purple
Favorite number?: 12
Favorite holiday?: christmas
Favorite season?: fall
Favorite movie?:
Favorite book?: b more carefull
Favorite magazine?:
Favorite food?: extra cheese pizza
Favorite TV show?: passions
Favorite pants?:
Favorite shirt?: a white or black tee
Favorite actor?: don't have one
Favorite actress?: don't have one
Favorite guy singer?: favorite rapper is jeezy
Favorite girl singer?: beyonce
Favorite flower?:
Favorite scent?: black ice
Favorite animal?: snakes
Favorite cookie?: chocalate chip
Favorite shoes?: forces
Favorite quote?: whatever
Favorite song?: he's mine
Favorite band(s)?:
Favorite teacher?:
Favorite class?: math
Favorite city?: where i'm at
Favorite pro team?:
Favorite car?: whatever i can drive
Favorite genre of music?: rap n r&b
Favorite card game?: tunk when playing for money
Favorite TV station?: whatever got something good on it
Favorite radio station?: whatever got something good on it
Favorite cartoon?: scooby-doo
Favorite disney movie?:
Favorite disney princess?:
Favorite disney character?:
Favorite looneytoon?:
Do you want to go to college?: yes
What do you want to be when you grow up?: computer analyist
Do you want to get married?: yes
Do you want to have kids? How many?: already have a boy and girl no more
What will their names be?: there names are stephon n bri'ana
Where do you want to live?: away from annapolis
Do you believe in love at first sight?: no
Have you visited the Eiffel Tower?: no
Do you like to talk on the phone?: not really
Have you danced all alone in your room before?: no
When you're wrong you are quik to apologize?: no
Have you fired a gun?: no
Do you like roller coasters?: hell naw
Do you like public speaking?: no
Do you like scary movies?: hell yeah
Do you like shopping?: yes
Do you sing in the shower?: no
Do you like to talk to yourself?: no
Do you dye your hair?: no
Do you have any fetishes?: no
Have you ever tipped a cow?: no
If your life was a fairytale what would it be?: a lot better then it is now!!
What is the last song you listened to?: something by gucci man
What celebrity do you wish you looked like?: myself
Ever rode an airplane?: no
What looneytoon are you most like?: none
What disney character are you most like?: none
Ever been in a fight?: a couple
Did you win?: yes
Have you ever gone skinny dippin'?: no
How many CDs do you own?: a few
Do you like to be naked?: only for my man
Ever eaten sushi?: no
Ever been on stage?: yes
Ever danced in the rain?: yes
Do you think you're attractive?: yes
Do you like thunderstorms?: hell naw
What's the best advice you've ever been given?: keep people out ya buisness
What song/quote says the most about your life?:
Afraid of clowns?: yes can't stand them
Who is your hero?: my daddy
Who do you want to meet?:
Do you chew ice?: yes
HAve you been to California?: no
What's the last book you read?: true to the game
Do like to fish?: no
Do you bite your nails?: no
What movie charactor would you most like to be?: none
Ever been called a tease?: yes
Ever drove a tractor?: no
Are you a *blonde*?: no
Ford, chevy, toyota or other?: whatever
What do you do for fun?: movies, going out wit friends
Are you bull-headed/ stubborn?: stubborn
Ever rode an elephant?: no
Vegiburger or hamburger?: hamburger
How do you spend your weekends?: chillin right now
Ever kissed/been kissed by a dog?: hell naw
Last store you went into?: lvl x
Who was the last person that told you they loved you?: my boyfriend
What's the last thing you said?: is the brownies done yet
Tell me something wierd/funny about yourself:: nothing
Glad this is FINALLY over?: hell yeah
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