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Dj PonK

About Me

Ponjke a.k.a DJ PonK (Dragan Ponjevic) is hardly an unfamiliar name in the electronic music in this area. The interest for active music making dates from the 1990's, and the first group he was a member of and that introduced him to the microphone in 1993 was in the domains of rap music… at the same time he made his first steps towards producing and arranging on a then well known Atari computer, using Cubase software, analogue samplers, and keyboards.
PonK and his crew release their debut album named Non Plus Ultra in 1998, where he acquires his new experience in contemporary music production and arrangements with Nebojsa Arezina (one of the most famous producers in Serbia today). Soon afterwards, he starts working as a radio and club DJ that promotes some less familiar sounds to Serbian audience at the time, which later becomes the most listened club music – house music. The first tracks that PonK played on radio stations date from 1996. Those were very popular hits in house music that was experiencing its own renaissance, both on the global and the local scene.
His utter commitment to music was crowned by a lot of lyric writing, composing numbers for a lot of rap bands and performers, and songs that he himself, or as a member of a team, produced and arranged. Some of the famous names from the rap scene he worked with include: Juice, Fullmoon, M.A.X, C-YA , etc.
In 2001 he meets one of the most famous Serbian musicians, Sanja Ilic, who was well into preparing his material titled Balkanika. Ilic recognizes the great talent possessed by this young man, and soon includes him in his tours where he participated in the production of this band's live shows. In 2001 PonK does the remix for a Delta Project single Traffic, named 2001 House Mix, and was written in 1983 by Sanja Ilic. PonK officially showed that he as an individual has a modern approach to sound, and the understanding for the style and advancing of dance music in the world. This cooperation in Sanja Ilic's studio sky-rocketed his vast knowledge of music production to an even higher level.
Additionally, he also has experience as a teacher in the field of computer science called "Digital Sound Editing". In 2006 he became a member of a group gathered around to build a modern radio station in Belgrade – TDI radio. He was elected a production editor, and hence responsible for the very sound of the station, as well as for the style of music that is still broadcast by this radio station, especially in the evenings when current club music frequents the playlists. He was an author and a host of some of the radio's shows. In 2008 he became a part of the team of the national radio station Radio Index, where he was invited to develop a program and set a new data base of music tracks, which will be broadcast from this radio station in future.
Since 2007, he has set off again into "night ventures", and activated himself as a club DJ. Local DJ's who he has a regular cooperation with are: Dj Kizami, Meex, Mirko, Oysha, Goran Starcevic, Paki. Presently, he is a resident of Club Baltazar in Belgrade and Novi Sad.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/25/2007

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Sounds Like: ..

Dj PonK In The Mix - Dec 08 - PROMO
Dj PonK vs Dj Paki In The Mix - Feb 08 - PROMO
Dj PonK In The Mix - Mart 09 - PROMO
Dj PonK In The Mix - April 09 - PROMO

Type of Label: Major

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