A lot has changed in my life the past year. If you would have told me one year ago exactly where I would be today I never would have believed you...I think that is the amazing and terrifying part of this beautiful life. I met my soul mate...and you probably won't believe me, but I had an epiphany, that one day i would be married to him, and sure enough just a few short months later we were engaged and shortly after married. It's been a crazy year! I also finally pursued my career in education, and I've realized the person that I truly want to be. If you are not in this profession then you might think I'm crazy but it is probably one of the most rewarding, inspirational fields to be in. I've retired from an "out until all hours of the night party girl" into a refined young woman, wife, professional, and educator. I've come to realize that just because you have a career and are married doesn't mean you have to give up anything! I see nothing but great things ahead and I know that I will always have someone by my side to share them with. Some people think that when you make commitments you are giving up your freedom, but it's just the opposite for me, the possibilities ahead are endless.