Out-l@w [Check out dis StreetFighter IV Vid] PS3 profile picture

Out-l@w [Check out dis StreetFighter IV Vid] PS3

O-u-T-L-a-W -----MSN: Makaveli_89_outlawz@hotmail.com

About Me

I love Dis Gyal sooo Much..... U r my passion, my life, my love. Without you I would have no reason 2 live. All the stars in the universe could not replace what we have together.You are all that i could ever ask for n i just wana say... I LOVE U ! more & more each day.
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Jason
Date of Birth: 19-03-1989
Birthplace: UCH
Current Location: Norf London
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5 ft7
Heritage: Portuguese & Filipino
Piercings: Ears
Tattoos: Soon
Band/Singer: Uuhmm Duno
Song: FutureSex LoveSounds - Justin
Movie: Saw 3
Disney Movie: High School Musical ! lol
TV show: Family Guy
Color: Aqua
Food: spaghetti
Pizza topping: Pepperoni wit extra extra Cheese
Ice-Cream Flavor: Chocolate
Drink (alcoholic): Dnt Drink
Soda: lol i no its weird but i dnt drink fizzys either
Store: Dnt ave 1
Clothing Brand: Uhhm Nike i guess
Shoe Brand: Nike
Season: Summer
Month: August
Holiday/Festival: Birthday, Half terms & Christmas
Flower: Uuuhhm Roses
Make-Up Item: Dnt Wear it, except 4 dt day i had 2 do a play -_-
Board game: Monopoly
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Sunny
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Night
Sour or sweet: Sweet
Love or money: Love
Phone or in person: Both
Looks or personality: Both
Coffee or tea: Tea
Hot or cold: Hot
Goal for this year: Pass ma course n Drive
Most missed memory: School dayz
Best physical feature: Lips
First thought waking up: Arghhhh College Again
Hypothetical personality disorder: Duno wt it means
Preferred type of plastic surgery: None
Sesame street alter ego: Seame Street
Most stupid remark: Uhmm duno
Worst crime: Stealing a............... a.............. a................. Penny Sweet lol
Greatest fear: Heights
Favorite subject: Art
Strangest received gift: A Empty Box, Frm ma bro -_-
Do You:
Smoke: Nope
Drink: No
Curse: Not really
Shower daily: Yea!
Like thunderstorms: Nooooo
Dance in the rain: Lol nope
Play an instrument: Triangle lol
Get along with your parents: Sometimes
Believe in fate: Ye
Can You:
Drive: Kinda
Sew: Nope
Cook: Yea
Speak another language: Abit
Sing: Try 2
Touch your nose with your tongue: Nope
Whistle: Ye
Curl your tongue: Yupp
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Nope
Been Stoned/High: Nope
Eaten Sushi: No
Been in Love: Yeeee
Skipped school: yupp
Made prank calls: yeee
Sent someone a love letter: Narr
Stolen something: once ;)
Cried yourself to sleep: Yee lng tym ago wen ma mum took ma haribo lol
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Liers, If dey wont shut up n if der arrogant
Are you right or left handed? Ryt
What is your bedtime? College dayz itz frm 12 to 2
Name three things you can't live without: Fone, MP3 n ma Babiii Gyal *Kash!!*
What is the color of your room? Sky Blue
Do you have any siblings? Nope
Do you have any pets? uuhmm is a fish a pet ? if so den yeaa!!
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? Lol noo but i would ave 2 think about it tho
What is you middle name? Michael
What are you nicknames? J, J.Star, JJ, Outlaw, or somtyms OI lol
Are you for or against gay marriage? Dnt care if dey get married or not
What are your thoughts Abortions? Itz bad bt u myt need 2
Do you have a crush on anyone? Noo coz i Already ave da Love ov ma lyf
Are you afraid of the dark? Ye somtyms
How do you want to die? I Dnt
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? 9
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? il Say Ye now but i bet wen it coms 2 it i wont lool
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Any
Eye color: Any
Weight uuhhmm i duno bt gotta be fit
Biggest turn-off Bad Breath lol
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My Interests

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You Got Served, Troy, The Grudge, Borat(lol hes MAD), Con air (Dis film iz sikk), Soul Plane, Paper Soldiers, irobot, The Ring, Scary movie(all ov dem),The cheetah girls(1&2) Scarface, The godfather, Welcome to the jungle, The Mummy(1&2), Bugs, Honey, Blue streak, The mask, jumanji, Finding Nemo, High School Musical(Omdz No2 iz gonna b Out Soon !!!! Yayyy)


Cory In Da House, The suite Life of Zack&Cody, Thats so Raven, All of us, The Fresh Prince, My Wife & Kids, One on One, Drake & Josh & SpongeBob