Ah, Woman...Love, Beauty, Peace, Harmony, Pride, Honour, Respect, Valour.
Someone who is Free...
I am a very grateful Opera/ Soprano/A'cappella admirer. I am very fond of classical tunes, and I am open to all types of music as I do listen to all types from time to time.
Don't watch too much T.V., it sours the mind. Especially since what most shows are about these days is insulting others...a lot of negative influence if you will.
The lord of the Rings-I,II,III; The Silmarillion. The book of Lost Tales of Middle Earth part I, The Hobbit, Harry Potter series, and many many more...
I don't have any heroes nor do I wish to be like anyone else, I am entirely original in myself, though this claim is false for no one can be entirely original whilst living in a society fueled by population, media, and other to all other type of influence. But...My Love is My own..., I give it freely.