Being married, the deekiest of lorrrrrs. Also, retro-engineering Murder, Mayhem in the pursuit of truth and beauty. Stripes, snow globes, Yummy Things, Teuthology, Pilates, Good, clean fun fun fun, Psychopathology, Threat Assessment, Propaganda, History, Cherries, Law, Media, Aesthetics, Parenting, Hermeneutics, the Pathology of Theology, the Mendacity of "I.D.", Cathexes, Nuts of the Lloyd Pye Order of Absolute Nuttiness, My wonderful rocktastic husband, the Tiny King of Loaves, Anything with a hand-painted poster that says "ALIVE!!"
My maker, just not anytime soon. I'd love to be standing next to Bin Ladin and Ahmedinejad when they walk in to heaven and find out the joint is full of Jews, then I could shake their hands and tell them that if they hadn't burned all the copies of Milton they'dve seen this coming.Also- Robert Ripley, Agent Cooper, PT Barnum, Vince Bugliosi, Race Bannon, Urban adventurers and anthropologists galore. Experts, Didates & Consultants
The good kind. Hum a few bars and I'll have an opinion, doubtless.
Mostly the ones with sound, but not always.
We're a Nielsen Family!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I got paid (very, very little, admittedly) to sit and watch telly all this week...I had to promise the S.O. that I wouldn't watch any tabloid trash...I keep watching PBS, I'm very conciencious.Shows with murder, about murder, regarding murder...dig? Old reruns of The Simpsons, and some BBC ones they don't seem to have here and I don't know the names of anyway. Is it Real? is my new fave. I watch those Ira Einhorn docs over & over 'cause I just love to hate him SO MUCH!! All of Us. Friends. The Practice. All of Us. Roseanne. All of Us. Boston Legal. All of Us. Boston Legal. (Repeat as needed- if you know me, you know why)
If they wrote it, I'll read it, 'specially if they're Huxley, Vonnegut, Bulgakov, Alasdair Gray, Phillip K. Dick, or they used to work in a carnival or with criminals...preferably both. Also the Bible. Recently, even the Christian Bible. And TV says I should ask my Mormon neighbor for a copy of Joseph Smith's book, but I guess I took things for granted when I lived in Utah. Because I've yet to find a single Mormon neighbor since I moved.
Heroes? Yes!! Martyrs? No!!