H3looo M3e Gawjusss Pppls x.. w3lll M3 Nam3s G3orgiia som3tiimes nown as G..or G.Diizzy. ii Liiv3 iin Barkiin and go Barkiin Abb3y.iim 1/2 iiriish and 1/4 Ameriican =D..Lov3 Haviin A Lauff Wiid me Giirls nd Boiis..ii Liiik3 all typ3ss oof moosiic exc3ptt 3mo and punk nd rock lool..ii loov3e alll ma giirlii3s nd would do an3fiin 4 d3m..ma 2 maiin girls r **JAN3Y*&*LOLA**..lov3e th3m soo muchh..ii Lov3 boiis lool whiich giirl do3snt && alwayss up for som3thing n3w and dan3rous iim a diif3r3nt typ3e off giirl asiin ii mak3e ma own rul3ss and dnt folow oth3r ppls tr3nds !! Diif3r3ntt iiss a gdd thingg soo thatswhyy iim diif3r3nt h3h3 lol if yuuuh wanna noo mor3e bout m3e th3n add maa msn..xxlaydee_g07xx@hotmail.co.uk...W3ll iim gn3e nooww soo Loov3e Yahhhs xxxxx
A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: G.DiiZZY__X
Birthday:: 14th S3PT3MBAH__X
Birthplace:: BARKiiN__X
Eye Color:: SHEXXii BLU33__X
Hair Color:: BROWN__X
Height:: 5Ft SUMMiiN__X
Weight:: DUNNOO__X
Right handed or Left handed?: RiiGHT__X
Your Heritage:: iiRiiSH__X
My Worst Habit:: DNT R3ALii AV3 WHUNN__X
Zodiac Sign:: ViiRGO__X
Shoe Size:: 6__X
Pants Size:: ..!!X!!X__X
Innie or Outie?: OUTii3__X
Parents Still Together?: Y33P__X
The Shoes You Wore Today:: BLACK3D-OUT-CONV3RS3__X
Your Weakness:: DUNOOO__X
Your Fears:: SPiiD3RS__X
Your Perfect Pizza:: CH33S33__X
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: G3T GD GRAD3S__X
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: DWW BOUT iiT BiiTCH =P__X
Thoughts First Waking Up:: WAHTSS D33 TiiM33__X
Your Best Physical Feature:: 3Y3SS__X
Your Bedtime:: DNTT AV333 WHUNN__X
Your Most Missed Memory:: Mii NAN R*ii*P__X
Favorite color?: BABii BLUE && BABii PiiNK__X
Food?: CHiiN3S3__X
Sport?: DANC3__X
Animal?: DOG && CAT__X
Ice Cream?: CHOCOLAT3__X
Candy?: LOLLiiPOP__X
Store?: 2 MANiii__X
Salad Dressing?: DUNNOO__X
Actor?: OOEVAAA__X
Song?: G3T 2 KNOW- MUMZii3__X
Letter?: G__X
Number?: 14__X
Gum?: MiiNT__X
Holiday?: FLORiiDA__X
Season?: SUMM3R__X
Toothpaste Flavor?: MiiNT_X
Radio Station?: CHOiiCE FM __X
Perfume?: GUCCii RUSH__X
Scent besides perfume?: P3TROL LOL__X
Body part on the opposite sex?: 3Y3S__X
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: DNTT AV33 A CLU33__X
How Do You Want To Die?: iiN M33 SL33P__X
Turn ons:: SEXii 3Y3S__X
Turn offs:: UGLii FAC3S LMAOO__X
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: MOSTT OFF 3MM LOOL__X
Who's The Loudest?: JAN3Y__X
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: JAN3Y && LOLA__X
Who Have You Known The Longest?: 3MMA__X
Who's The Shyist?: MOMiiNA
When Have You Cried The Most?: W3N MA NANii3 Dii3D__X
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: B3iiN iiN LOV3__X
Worst Feeling?: LOOSiiN SOM3WHUNN__X
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: AM3RiiCA__X
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: MAA 3Y3 COLOUR__X
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: V3RY LONG __X
Let's walk on the: MOON__X
Let's look at the: SEXii SUN__X
What a nice: GiiRL_X
Where did all the: P3NG BOiiS GOO__X
Why can't we: B33 TOG3TH3R__X
Silly, little: SLUT__X
Isn't it weird that: W3 R SUCH ALiiK3__X
Never under any circumstance: iiS H33 PENG__X
I wish: ii WAS A FAiiRY LMAOO__X
Everyone has a: DiiF3R3NT SiiD3__X
I am: WAH ii AM__X
Been In Love?: ii THOUGHT SOO __x
Been To Juvie?: NOP3__X
Mooned Someone?: YHHHYHHH LMAOO__X
Been Rejected?: CNTT M3MBAHH__X
Ran Away From Home?: NOP3__X
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: NOP33__X
Skipped School?: NOP33__X
Thought About Suicide?: NOOP33__X
Slept Outside?: Y33P__X
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: Y3P__X
Cried In School?: Y33P__X
Thrown Up In School?: Y33P..W3N ii WAS LiiL__X
Wanted To Be a Model?: NAH__X
Cheated On Someone?: NOP33__X
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: Y33P__X
Seen A Dead Body?: Y33P__x
Been Bitched Out?: NOP33__X
Drank Alcohol?: Y33P__X
Smoked?: !!X!!__X
Been On Drugs?: NOP3 N3VAHH__X
Eaten Sushi?: Y3PP__X
Been On Stage?: NOP33__X
Gone Skinny Dipping?: NOP33__X
Shoplifted?: NOP33__X
Been Drunk?: TiiPSY__X
Been Called A Tease?: Y3AH__X
Been Beaten Up?: NOP33__X
Swear?: NOO ii FUCKiiN DONT__X
Sing Well?: NOP33__x
Shower Daily?: Y33P__X
Want To Go To College?: Y3AHH Y3AH__X
Want To Get Married?: Y3P__X
Believe In Yourself?: Y3P__X
Get Motion Sickness?: NOP33__X
Think You Are Attractive?: NOP33__X
Get Along With Your Parents?: MOST OF D33 TiiM3__X
Like Thunderstorms?: Y3PP__X
Play An Instrument?: WHiiSTL33__X
Own An IPOD?: ii OWN 2 =P__X
Pray?: NOP3__X
Go To Church?: NOP33__X
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: NOP33__X
Keep A Journal/Diary?: NOP33__X
Dance In The Rain?: Y3PP__X
Sing In The Shower?: Y3PP__X
Pepsi or Coke?: P3PSii__X
McDonald's or Burger King?: MACii DS__X
Single or Group Dates?: SiiNGL3__X
Chocolate or Vanilla?: CHOCOLAT3_X
Strawberries or Blueberries?: STRAWB3RRii3S__X
Meat or Veggies?: M3AT__X
TV or Movie?: MOVii3_X
Guitar or Drums?: DRUMS__X
Adidas or Nike?: NiiK3__X
Chinese or Mexican?: CHiiN3S3__X
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: CH33RiiOS__X
Cake or Pie?: CAK3__X
MTV or VH1?: MTV__X
Blind or Deaf?: D3AF__X
Boxers or Briefs?: BOX3RS__C
Do The Splits?: US3D 2 B3 ABL3 2 _X
Write With Both Hands?: Y33P__X
Whistle?: Y33P__X
Blow A Bubble?: Y33P__X
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: Y33P__X
Cross Your Eyes?: Y33P__X
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: NOP33__X
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: Y33P__X
Dance?: SORT OFF__X
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: NOP33__X
You Touched:: DUNOO__X
You Talked To On The Phone:: JAN3Y__X
You Instant Messaged:: JAN3Y__X
You Hugged:: MUMZii3__X
You Yelled At:: DADZii3__X
You Played A Sport With:: GiiRLii3S iiN P.3__X
Time You Laughed?: A MiiN AGO__X
Time You Cried?: CANT M3MBAHH__X
Movie You Watched?: HAiiRSPRAY__X
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: MiiNT__X
Joke You Told?: TOO RUD3 2 T3LL LOL__X
Song You've Sung?: G3T 2 KNOW-MUMZii3__X
Where Are You?: YARD__X
What Can You See Out Your Window?: TR33S__P3NG BOiiS__X
Are You Listening To Music?: SAM3 GiiRL__X
What Are You Wearing?: CLOTH3S__X
What's On Your Mousepad?: DUNOO__X
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: NOP33__X
Do you believe in miracles?: MAYB33__X
Magic?: NOP33__X
Love at first sight?: Y3AHH__X
God?: MAYB33__X
Satan?: NOOP33__X
Ghosts?: NOP33__X
Santa?: NOP33..33SS..MAA..DADZii33__X
Evolution?: NOP33__X
Fav Eye Color:: BLU3_BROWN_GREEN__X
Fav Hair Color:: BROWN_BLACK__X
Short or Long Hair:: SHORT__X
Height:: TALL3R THAN M33__X
Best Clothing Style:: SEXii__X
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: N3W YORK__X
Number Of CD's I Own:: 2 MANii__x
Your Good Luck Charm:: N3CKLAC3__X
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 6 LOOL__X
Do you drink milk?: Y3PP__X
Person You Hate Most:: BLOND33 BiiMBOO BARBii33__X
Most Outdated Phrase:: DUNOOO__X
Do you think God has a gender?: ii DUNOOO__X
Where do you think we go when we die?: 2 DiiSN3YLAND LOOL__X
How many rings until you answer the phone?: 7__X
What is something scientists need to invent?: 3L3CTRONiiC SHO3SS HAHA__X
Are you a health freak?: NOP3__X
Are you a virgin?: Y3AAH_ && FUKiiN PROUD LOOL__X
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: MARS__X
What is the worst weather?: RAiiN__X
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: Y3AHH__X
How many grades have you failed?: BOUT 6 LOOL__X
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