A szavak furcsa teremtmenyek, ezt jol tudja minden gyerek.
Kicsusznak a szajukon, es fegyelmezetlenek.
Hiaba bizunk rajuk nagyon fontos uzenetet,
Elrejtik az igazsagot, es mast jelentenek.
Csak nezz ram, egy szot se szolj, en igy is megertelek.
Ha van valami, ami nem hazudik, az leginkabb a szemed.
A szavak neha szovetkeznek, hogy felrevezessenek,
Szepen hangzo mondatokban vonulnak ellened.
Felve, kimondott felszavakbol van, aki ert es van aki nem,
De elmondani nagyon nehez, mit nem ert meg senki sem.
A gondolat, mig onmagaba zarul, sajnos nincs jelen,
Szavak nelkul nem mukodik a mindenhato ertelem.
De a kimondott szavak sorsa neha furcsan alakul,A lenyeg sokszor bennuk marad kimondatlanul.Needed time to clear my mind, breathe the free air find some peace there. I used to keep my heart in jail, but the choice was love or fear of pain and I... chose... love...
Cos everything is energy and energy is you and me...
Light shines in through an open window, shines inside your heart and soul and light will guide your way through time, and love will help you heal your mind and life... will... be...
Cos everything is energy and energy is you and me...Take what you can when you can.It's another season, another reason for eating cookie!I'm not like this and I won't be like that. If I were like this or that I wouldn't be what I am...If my heart had a face, it would be smiling :))The only way to see a RaiNbOw is to look through the RaiN ... :)Once you love someone, that person is forever apart of youEveryday you live can be a miracle!It's never to late to find out what's important in your life!Too many people strive to be what others tell them to be,
but that means nothing!
The point is just be yourself!The most wasted day is that in which we have not laughed.Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly!A shoe can change your life! Just ask Cinderella :D24 beers in a case, 24 hours in a day... coincidence? I think not! =)The greatest you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.Always look at the bright side of life!Everything has it's beauty! You must only find it.I used to be normal until i met those idiots I call my FRieNdS :)Love is just a word until someone comes and gives it a meaning.Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it :)Sometimes you have to be lost, to find yourselfYou can't be old & wise if you were NeVeR young and crazy :)Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart...[LOVEMYFLASH]