Profile GeneratorMy name is Fran. This is what you will call me. Unless of course you happen to be one of the three people who are still allowed to call me Franky. This is only Luke, Chan and Patrick.
I very rarely use this anymore, except to do procrastination quizes and get annoyed at people who do boring ones. Get me on Facebook, it's tons better.
I drink too much. It is nice. I smoke. I'm constantly on the edge of quitting, yet my gloves always stink. I don't really like people in general, and I probably won't like you. Apologies.
Oh yeah, and my hair's not long anymore, it's dead short. Most people love it and say it's fit, I think it makes me look like a boy. But each to their own I suppose.
That's it tbh. I don't tend to do a lot. Except moan about how much work I'm not doing. Oh, and dance. I like to dance. And sing, terribly, very loudly, in public places.
Take my hand, we'll make it I swear...