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About Me

Every loove story hass ah loove begin , so here qoes dha story , the day of 2/6/09 . I was scared , about what the peoples would think of the boyfrann , &, the boyfrann thought it was pretty awkard to meet them already , but anyways, while mee & the lover was scared, we just thought , why would the people in the world that is suppose to love you keep you from the one you loove unconditionally.
So, it caame to the day 2/7/09 , we talked on the phone before he got in the car to meet his now brother in law , lls. So there cool now. Then we get to my godmommy's house and he meets the god mommy & ah friend of the family & , they really liked him , it waas soo funny that they ask mee where did i meet the boyfrann from lls [????] , but anywayss !
Thenn , he met mii godsister &&, sister &, theey likedd him ALOT , lls =). So , it comes down to my mommy , &, she didnt saay for sure if she liked him or NOT , but byy her behavior I can tell that she looved himm &, I mean who wouldntt , cause i loove him with all myy heart !!
So, it comes to this dayy , we are living happily ever after ! &, Our loove is becoming more stronger !Just the end of myy paqe , but not us I lovee myy bestie ; victoria danielle george with all mii heart she is the definition of ah truee friend , she is my number one &, if any nigga fuck with her , the wrong waay they will qet fcked up byy neek , this yunqin is mii bestfrann ; my twin ; mii lil sister ! , &, i cant live without her , i loove yuu DANIELLE. She's my right to my left pocket ; myy big toe to the other four toes , she completes mee , if the boyfrann, wasnt there already todo tht , i loove yuu ! _______________________ My Two Favoriest Brothers , Gucci &&, Jr. CHARNEQUANICOLE. Well, look im not qonna rapp much , im just qonna rapp until mii paqe is even with dha riqht yu hear mee , but yeaah im SEVENTEEN, i was born in dha yr of 91', im ah ninety babies, fuck with iht , uhmmm?? , i can bee really random &&; i love dhaa color bluee , mii mommies naem is Maxine && myy daddy's naem is half of mines , I now live in a area called Waldorf , Md , but im oriqinally from Fort Wash Babyy . Uhhm?? Love , with mee && not neccessary , i mean yu can hate mee or loove mee SHIT , i dontt qivee ahh FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK , but yeaah dha best joint on dha mic riqht now is RIHANNA , dhaa best sonqq OUT is dhaat New* Ron BrowzJoint, im not on myspace to look for loove anymore , im just on here lookin for friends , i attend ah school of dha wackous &&; ihts called NorthPointe Wtf? Is ah NORTHPOINT. But anyways, i aint qonna playy that hardd , dhaat school is actually iqht ihts aint dhaa best SHIT out here , but ihts there . Ughhhh?? I love to shopp &&; hanq aht dha movies , i haave ahh sexy ass doqq bii dha name of Gucci Lickitous Spike [?]<-MiiLastNamee. &&; He is ah mess mann for real , yall dont wanna babysitt this little ratt , sikenaww =) , He's ah teacupp Poodle. Mhhm? I love to meet new people &&; i love desiqnin myspace paqes . i take new pictures for myspace everyday , if im somewhere around this DELL piece of shitt, did you know that i cant listen or watch , MYSPACE , videos or music , [Smack teeth!] I just dont understand this shit . lls . I have ahh brother , that haas dha samee naem as mii daddy , but we just call him JR , cuz i mean shit , he wants to bee called iht , &&; he's LOVES IT , [!i think!], But mmmh! , let mee know some thinqs about yuu , now that yuu know some shit about mee yuu heard mee , AGAIN ? . . i am not on here to look for LOVE , so if yu tryna qet loove from mee , i think yu miqht wanna look in dhaa other directio yeah like to yuurr RIGHT . lls =)) , Mkkkk? . IM DONE . -Rest In Peace Uncle Dave ♥1-10-09♥ 7:45pm♥ Uncle Dave Tuten 1-10-09♥ I never thouqht that you would really leave mee yu waas ah male &&; intelliqent maan yu wouldnt let nothinq hold yu bacck if yu felt that , yu need somethinq accomplishedd you did iht , THANKSGIVING was dhaa lasst that i saww so basically , in mii heart yu were qone tht dayy , six yrs aqo that waas the EXACT saame day yur sister , MY GRANDMOTHER; died , Uncle Dave, what now are we to do ihts no more elderly people &&; qrandma sidee , tht is still livin yu were tha last , I really miss yuu &&; i know now that yur n ah better place but iht could of been more better if yu waas still down here breathin our aire. But ihts sedd now , yur not hurtin no moree &&, i can only remember tha lasst thinq i sedd to yuu && ; sedd to mee , && yu seddd yuu lovedd mee &&; i sedd i loved yuu backk &&, qave yu ahh KISS most people caant catch a person before theey qo &&; tell them how theey really felt &&, i qot tht opportunity , i love yuu uncle dave. ♥--------------------------------------------------------- ----dha wifeyy sedd.&&; dhis dhaa wifey chayy, i fuck her every night, we havee 2 kids nd she inpregnatedd wiff my ovaa one lls. all homo (: i grew maturee juss meetin her &&; tawwkin tew her about anythingg. she helps me out wiff my relationships andd anything i needaa ghet off my chest (winkk winkk) lls i have her tew lean onn. -- we goin into dha 09 &&; i aint lettin yhu go. yhu a ride or diee, andd my heart. nuffin gunna tear us apart. i lovee you!!!
-sincerlyy chayy ♥ RIP.BabiiGirl.11-09-08. NicoleYelenaPitonyak. YouMeanTheWorldToMee. && ImSooSaddToSeeUrNotHere WithMeeNoMoree.ButYou'llAlways BeeInMyHeart,ImNotGonnaBeAbleTo GoToUrFuneralCuz,MyUnkIsReallySick &&ImmaHaveToGooToNorthCarolina. ButIWantYuToKnowITriedToComee. &&NowI'llHopeToSeeYouSoon,IfNot NMyDreams.ily. -Neek.
↓↓↓NicoleLeah!↓↓↓ NicoleLeahPitonyak.♥ MyMostFavoritestWhiteGirl. Mann.IDontKnowNowWhtImmaDo WithoutYouu.MyHomie,MyEverything! NowThatUrGonee.Nicole,IDontEvenKnoe WhatToDo.IMeanIWouldWriteAboutYouAll Day..ButItsJustTooMuchToTypeYouHearMe. ButYouKnowWhatYuNeedToKnow.CuzUrInMyHeart &&iLoveYouu.Babyyy.! Rip.[11-09-08]at 3:18pm. AlwaysRemembered. NeverForqotten =[ LostWithoutYuu. ='|_________________________________________MyMostFavoritest WhiteGirl. Mann.IDontKnowNowWhtImmaDo WithoutYouu.MyHomie,MyEverything! NowThatUrGonee.Nicole,IDontEvenKnoe WhatToDo.IMeanIWouldWriteAboutYouAll Day..ButItsJustTooMuchToTypeYouHearMe. ButYouKnowWhatYuNeedToKnow.CuzUrInMyHeart &&iLoveYouu.Babyyy.! Rip.[11-09-08]at 3:18pm. Besties4Lifiee. 071508♥ Thats it all started when I met this dude name Markus Allen Wallace, He became my everything the first I met him, and my love for him is never gonna change, he's the color to my flower and the blue to my bag of skittles, he is just not like the rest, && that I really love him for i really hope me && dummy can last cuz, man i'll tell you this time nequa's in love and im not leaving him no no never believe that, I just hope he feels the same about meee, a few words of wisdom, I love you markus && i hope we dont ever break up, were the next, Love&&Basketballcast. TheBestie&&Wifey!! ISwearTheseYungens. GonnaGetMarried,ManOhhMan. IfTheBestie,WouldToldMeAbout ThisOne,IWouldHaveToldHim, SheWasAKeepa,ILoveHer,TheWifey. Chay&&Eli.Robinson !.FromTheWifey.Chay;; dhiis is dhaa wifeey haackinn her boo in lovee wiff dhiss chick:) Lmaao.kk soo,;shee funny, smaart && pretty as fucck hehee. i'dd do anythinng for herr, she soo cool && a nicee person tew gett alongg wiff. imm never loosinn her. dhaa Love of myy Lifee, dnt Fuckk wiff her. iLoveeYhuYunginn. :)__________________________________ MyBestieFinally.16,Victoria [Bestie] Shit Man I Dont Know What I Would Do Without Youu..My Bestie, My Everything, My Girlfriendd , My Other Half. Heey It Beats You Beat Markus..lls. But Heey You Myy Bestie You Come Before Any Of These Dudes Out Here, Mann Really. I Love You Vikki.Soo Shawty What You Lippinn..lls !.Heyy.GotAProblem.GoTinkle NicoleLeahPitonyak.♥ MyMostFavoritestWhiteGirl. Mann.IDontKnowNowWhtImmaDo WithoutYouu.MyHomie,MyEverything! NowThatUrGonee.Nicole,IDontEvenKnoe WhatToDo.IMeanIWouldWriteAboutYouAll Day..ButItsJustTooMuchToTypeYouHearMe. ButYouKnowWhatYuNeedToKnow.CuzUrInMyHeart &&iLoveYouu.Babyyy.! Rip.[11-09-08]at 3:18pm. _______________________________ dhiis is dhaa wifeey haackinn her boo in lovee wiff dhiss chick:) Lmaao.kk soo,;shee funny, smaart && pretty as fucck hehee. i'dd do anythinng for herr, she soo cool && a nicee person tew gett alongg wiff. imm never loosinn her. dhaa Love of myy Lifee, dnt Fuckk wiff her. iLoveeYhuYunginn. :)♥HappyBirthday.♥ -November3-MyBrova.Arthur&&Brittany! -November4-Jasmine&&Dey. -November5-Codeii!HappyBirthday -November6-Heather! -November7-Ciera! -November9-MyBestie.Vikki! Luvu. -November18-Dyme -November19-Charlie Bear&&MyMans.Chadster! -November26-Jamal! -November29-RashadPooh[!] - TheWordOfTheWeek -Concentration Always Concentrate On What Needs To Be Concentrated Dont Worry About Your Past ;; Keep On With Your Future, && What Yu Wish Will Come To Pass. AboutTheGuyWhoLovesMe. It first started when I met this dude name Markus Allen Wallace, He became my everything the first I met him, and my love for him is never gonna change, he's the color to my flower and the blue to my bag of skittles, he is just not like the rest, && that I really love him for i really hope me && dummy can last cuz, man i'll tell you this time nequa's in love and im not leaving him no no never believe that, I just hope he feels the same about meee, a few words of wisdom, I love you markus && i hope we dont ever break up, were the next, Love&&Basketballcast. -ImNeek. -Lived.ForSeventeen.Yrs. -LoveMeetinqNewPeople. -Hate Stalkers . -LoveThe.FriendsRequests. -LovedByyThe.Computer! -♥MarriedByyThe.Boyfriend. -CherishedByTheBesties&+Familyy -AddictedToThisColor.Turquoise. -LoveDoinqStuffOn.Tuesday ONLY ! -HunqWith PrettyRicky . -ILikeTheseNumbers.071508! -EstablishedMoreWith Maryland .myfirsttimeelove.♥ ijustwantutokno'howmuch iloveuuwithallmyheart uaretherunwaytomyairplane butwithoutuicantsurvive urlikeaboneinmeethati cantlivewithoutihopewere likethenext<[b> bonniendclydee ] babyiloveuundidontusto everbreakuppuhearmeee.. urmyheart,aqainicantbreatheorlive withoutuiloveubaby!thesexy7 vikki,tiffani,alexandria,dyamond,ciera,brandon,kevin!
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You Remind Me.

You Remind Me Boy, even though I dont go with you. Why, do you remind me so much of my boyfriend. I dont know maybe you wasnt good enough. Or maybe, you did what yhu did for yhu to get me thinking you...
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Posted by on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 14:05:00 GMT

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Posted by on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 00:42:00 GMT

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Posted by on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 00:26:00 GMT