Have You...
stayed up all night long?: many a time
slept all day?: cant wait to do it again
played a trick on someone?: my middle name is mr.trickster
told a joke that NO ONE thought was funny?: all the time
hurt someone's feelings?: usually
been told that you are pretty more than 10 times?: uhhh why would i keep track of this
been in love?: absolutely, everyday
told someone that you love them?: everyday
told someone that you miss them?: everyday
been told that someone loves/misses you?: surely
broken someone's heart?: i dont like to think of it
had someone break your heart?: of course, thats how you learn
broken up with someone for no reason?: no comment
told someone that you hated them?: yes and immediately regreted it.
ate everything in the house?: no. don't like furniture.
stayed in bed all day because you didnt wana get up?: yessiree
lost a friend over something stupid?: yes.
got shopping in the middle of the night?: yes.
Do You...
have a boy/girl friend?: no
want a boy/girl friend?: no
like someone?: yes
if so- do they know?: yes
have someone who likes you?: i hope he loves me!
have a crush on your best friend?: nope
have a really big secret that NO ONE knows?: don't we all. i could actually write a book about it.
have a food you couldn't live without?: no
what is it?: nothing
know what you wanna be when you grow up?: yes, though it has varied throughout the stages of my life.
believe in God?: i believe there is a creator of all things
go to church?: no
have more than 10 really close friends?: no
have someone you couldnt live without?: yes.
get up easily in the mornings?: sometimes
go to sleep easily?: definately
listen to music while u do your homework?: if i had homework yes, at work yes, at home yes, i love music
even do your homework?: like i said if i had homework yes i would do it to music
Are you...
bored?: not usually
heartbroken?: no way
confused?: sometimes
happy?: absolutely
lost?: when driving yes.
moody?: yes. i'm a female. that says everything.
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