King-A-Linga profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Snowboarding, Wakeboarding, Lake Powell, outside, Traveling the world (Switzerland, Italy, France to name a few) Other than that let me tell you some stuff that bugs the hell outta me! First and for most un genuine people what the hell you scared of kid be yourself no one really gives a shit to see a dumbass that is trying to be someone they see on T.V. we all already get enough of that from T.V. yup and to refer to my favorite line from a girl your the nicest guy ever youll make some girl so happy some day!!!! what the hell is with that girls grow some metaphorical balls and just say it! Your not my type or your ugly as hell I just said yes cause I feel bad for you. hahaha. anyways I'll change this when I meet one girl at this school who isn't trying to be someone they aren't. spend itfound this sports layout at HOT / MyHotComments

My Interests

travel, sports (ie. snowboarding, wakeboarding, baseball, pretty much anything), making enough money to do everything I want to do like skidiving again!

I'd like to meet:

The Great Oz and sexy tricks


punk rock, some country, pretty much anything unless it's to hard not into the slipknot type. I'm pretty laid back so if sounds good I listen.


all movies especially animated ones hell ya.


don't have a lot of time to watch it but the family guy is pretty hilarious


Great Expectations, Dr. Doolittle the original.


Pac-man, the fat mouse gus gus on Cinderella, and of course anyone whos ever dated Eva Longoria