Hello World...... My full government name is Xavier Laban Purdy..... you pronounce my middle name LaBon.... my mama spelled it wrong! Its ok tho I understand she was drugged up at the time. Im 195 pounds of twisted steal and sex appeal if you didnt notice!!! Nah but on more a serious note.... a little about myself. I am a college graduate of Tennessee Technological University where I received my degree in Business Marketing. While in school I was a four year letterman in football and was voted on by my teammates as team captain my senior year (Im a natrual born leader)! Football is a chapter of my life that is closed and and closed for good. So if you could kindly stop asking me if Im going to the the league!!! And no I dont wanna play for no semi pro team either.... stop asking me to come out.... wtf for?! You don't get paid for it so stop running round tellin these misinformed groupies that you do! I am a proud member of Omega Psi Phi... yes I am a nasty Que Dog! But don't at all try to stereotype me, throw me in a cetain category, or draw any type of conclusions from one aspect of my life because its so much more to me than being a "Que" or being a "Football Player" or being "Black" and I hope that you can say the same. I've found that I have an unique ability that most are lacking and that is relation. I can relate to mostly anybody on any level no matter what background they come from, what color they are, what religion they are ect..... I can make you laugh, I can make you smile, I can make you think, Ladies I can make you.... Oooppps my bad that was the Que Dog coming out of me!!!! I apologize! Im not conceited, cocky, or self absorbed but I could go on for days tryin to tell you about myself and if you made it this far Im glad that I could peek your interest. So if you have any further questions.... holla at ya folk!!!!
/I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!