as this site has some Jazz sitar and guitar that you can listen to.
.. ..I practice Reiki Japanese healing and am a firm believer that music has deep healing energies and powers within the outer and inner universe.
I am a Buddhist and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo -a sacred chant from the Soka Gakkai movement founded on the philosophy and practice of Nichiren School of Mahayana Buddhism. The chant brings compassion, courage, wisdom and peace into every one's daily life.
I've travelled a lot too which opens your eyes to the realities of the world- my pictures below are of South America, India, Asia and Africa.
My other major love is animals- I dream of WORLD PEACE, a greener environment and a world where where people are kind to fellow animals .
Become a friend of mine if you emphathise with any of the above.
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