Jayne Davidson.
Recently i've noticed alot of things changing, the people who i thought would stick by me have done the complete opposite to what i ever thought they would. That's life i suppose. I'm starting to accept the fact that people are going to walk in and outta my life when it suits them.
That's pretty much how i'm feeling at this moment in time, no doubt it will completely change soon. Who knows. Surprise me :)
msn: just ask
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Craig Arnott.
Not only my boyfriend, but my best friend too (:
No matter what has happened in the past, he's been the one who's stood by me and always made me smile. No words could describe how much he means to me. I'm so grateful to be with him as i would be lost if he wasn't a part of my life. I've never felt like this before.
I love him.
Jaynee Babess...
Pip (Disney Enchanted)
Pip (Disney Enchanted)
Funniest thing.