Main Introduction:
About Me About You
About Religion
About The World We Live In
Spiritual/Religious Books
Spiritual/Religious Sites
Sept 11 and London Bombing Truth Movements
NWO/Illuminati and Related Conspiracies
Cydonia: NASA Cover up of Possible Ancient City Ruins On Mars
Alternative New Sites
Wellness and Alternative Medicine
Merchants Selling Stuff Related To This Page
About You: I said, "You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High." Psalm 82:6 (NASB)
What If?:
- You are a divine child spirit of god
with infinite wisdom, knowledge and potential stored within your (subconscious) infinite mind.You have lived many lives through reincarnation
being reborn and living lives over and over again to increase your spiritual awareness.This process of raising your spiritual awareness will eventually allow you to
awaken the Christ/god spirit within you .Meditation can be an effective way to improve your spiritual awareness.You have the ability to attract what you want
into your life experience by simply changing what you choose focus your thoughts and emotions onThis knowledge has been kept from you by oppressive religious dogma and the many distractions of your daily life that
have kept you from learning about your own nature and the real purpose of life.
What If?:
- Although the different language and cultural symbols used to explain concepts in specific religions make religions appear unrelated to the layperson,
all religions originated from the same source and basic principles.Through the course of time the basic original teachings of the world religions have become incomplete, and/or inaccurate due to
lost information, misinterpretation and oppression.All true religions and even science which attempt to describe the world we live in describe approximations of the
true nature of the universe which can't be fully described in words .Each of us is on our own path towards our spiritual journey, one path is right for some, other paths are better for
others, but no path is right or wrong for everyone:
Chinese Proverb: "There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view [from the top] is always the same."
JFK on Secret Societies
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What If?:
- Many of the religions and icons of the Western
world originated in Babylon (video), including Christmas, the Easter Bunny, Easter Eggs, the Easter Ham, The
Statue of Liberty (video) ,
The Vatican , Judaism, The Freemasons ,
and much more...There is an elite group of rulers running the planet who are members of
the still active "Babylonian Cult"
(currently referred to by many as the Illuminati / The New World Order / The Neo-Cons /
Global Elitists) who have their members strategically placed in positions of power (government, monarchy,
organized religions, media, powerful corporations, secret societies, etc.) to manipulate the world towards their own agenda.Most (possibly all) wars of the past 300 years starting with the French Revolution have been the result of these elite
rulers promoting intolerance and hate between different races and religions, financing both sides of wars, putting their
people in key positions in governments and organized religions to manipulate them, causing economic stress and poverty and
many other crimes against humanity.These elite rulers have gone to great lengths to keep you from the knowledge mentioned in the
About You section above. They have gone to great lengths to try to create a social
structure that keeps you too busy and distracted to realize the truth. They have created false religious dogma to
keep people from learning about their true infinite potential to keep the human race under their control.These elite rulers are planning to form the world into a single world government using so-called "Free Trade Agreements"
to create the Law infrastructure to merge the continents into single "Unions" (ie: The European Union, The North American Union, An Asian Union) as
stepping stones towards the world government.
Watch CNN's Lou DObbs speaking about the North American Union Plan: erican_Union
The world government being planned is a fascist, totaltarian dictatorship similar to Nazi Germany and George Orwell's fictional government in his book 1984 only much worse due to advances in technology that can be used for control. These elite rulers include the owners of the world bank who plan to create a society where all money is electronic and every person on earth is to have an embedded microchip in order to purchase anything similar to the "Mark of the Beast" described in Revelation:
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." (Revelation 13:16—18)
The American REAL ID card ( tates-at-least-25-billion/ ) is a stepping stone towards this goal. This is occuring in other countries too, in Canada, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty is pushing for a "High-tech Driver's License" for Canadians with extra security features and information to ease crossing of the US Border due to increased security since 9/11, This "high-tech Canadian Driver's License" will likely contain similar if not identical information as the REAL ID.We are at a point in history where a large mass of people are "awakening" to the truth. We, the general population of this world must put aside our differences and work together to expose and halt what the elite rulers are covertly planning. We must abandon racism, racism is a tool that was invented hundreds of years ago to keep us too busy fighting each other than the ruling elite, I know this because I have once heard a historic letter read in a Jamaican church that was originally instructing a British ruler of Jamaica to turn the slaves against each other by pitting tribe against tribe so they wouldn't fight the rulers, the same thing is going on today on a global scale, not just with race but even with different religions too. We have a so-called Christian USA President (George W. Bush a Christian, that's a joke, anti-christian is more like it) waging war on Muslim terrorists, etc.. We have a political system giving us a choice between "Left" and "Right" but the same power is controlling both sides so no matter who we vote for the unseen agenda is still advanced. We must realize that we are not white, black, yellow, red, brown, green, purple, right, left, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, etc., we must instead realize that we are human and part of a human family. We must then work together to put the control of the world back in the hands of the common people, not a few ruling elite. The only power the ruling elite have over us is the power we give them. The tool they use is secrecy we must reveal their existance to the masses to take away their most critical tool.
Here are some web sites where there are movements to take lawful political action against these global elite rulers:
Canadian Action Party - (Click "Flash Intro" for English Site) Vote For Ron Paul for President of USA 2008 - Official Site: The Kick Them All Out Project: Clean up Washington! - Peace In Space Org, whoever controls space conrols the world -
Google Video Link:
1 - "BUDDHIST MEDITATION Systematic and Practical" By Buddhist Yogi C.M. CHEN, Chapter I, B., 3.
DISCLAIMER: Comments and expressions by friends do not necessarily reflect the views of this profile. Similarly, the opinions of this site are not necessarily the opinions of friends of this profile. The information on this site is presented for informational purposes for viewers to start their own search and research to determine the truth about the world they live in and their own nature. The information on this site might not be 100% accurate, but it is based on the opinions and beliefs of the owner of this profile. This profile is a doorway but it is up to you to decide if you want to walk through it or not, and it is up to you to decide what the truth is to you.
Recommended Reading/Viewing Links:Spiritual/Religious Books
- The Celestine Prophecy - By James Redfield .
This book presents spiritual concepts in the form of a fictional story where characters are discovery nine basic spiritual
laws. The writing could have been better, but it is an easy read and good introduction for the layman, and even the more
enlightened who might not be familiar with all of these concepts (I learned a lot). This book focuses on the idea that all coincidences in
your life happen for a reason. A friend recommended this book to me and I walked into a 100 foot square store to look for
it, I walk partway into the store only to realize I had no idea what section to even look for it in. By astonishing
"coincidence" just as I had that thought I looked up to see this very book sitting on a shelf right in front of my face
within arms reach. I knew at that point this was no ordinary book.The Tenth Insight - by James Redfield .
The sequel to the Celestine Prophecy above. This is a continuation of the first story where now the characters are
on a journey to awakening while an evil group of people are attempting to put sci-fi like technology in place to emit
certain frequency vibrations to prevent the human race from undergoing a great spiritual awakening. (Hmmm, kind of sounds like
what is going on in the world now...)Buddhism of Wisdom and Faith - Dharma Master Thich Thien Tam
- available for free from Young Men's Buddhist Association .
This is the book that started me on my conscious spiritual journey. It is a great overview of the three main
schools of Buddhism.A Golden Ring: An Introduction to Buddhist Meditation - Dr. Yutang Lin,
available for free from . This book lead to my
experience of observing the universe in its pure energy form during meditation, this quote by someone who had a similar
experience describes my experience accurately:
"There I was, poised in space, a disembodied eye, invisible, incorporeal, seeing but not seen. - R. Gordon Wasson, 1957" .
What I saw in this state of consciousness was endless energy in all directions as far as I could see.
- Reluctant Messenger - A site that presents a great theory about the
interconnectedness of all religions and even science. This site presents extra gospels that were removed from the
bible from the oppressive Orthodox church (which became the Vatican). It also features texts from various other religions
as well as controversial ideas like Biblical support for reincarnation.Wisdom of India and China - A collection of translations of
ancient spiritual books including:
"Dao De Jing (Way Power Book)" By Taoism Founder Lao Tzu (sometimes spelled Lao Tzi or Lao Zi),
The Upanishads - the foundation of Hinduism (and Buddhism which is based
primarily on Hinduism),
(Gautama) Buddha's First Sermon and more.Bnei Baruch World Center For Kabbalah Studies - This site has many articles and
online audio lessons on Kabbalah (Qabala). Kabbalah is
a spiritual path based on a mystical interpretation of the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament).Mystic Visions Discussion Forums - a place where you can discuss metaphysical
concepts and experiences no matter how strange or out of the ordinary they may seem to be. The people in these forums
are very friendly and wise.
The main page of this site offers you two eBooks which I also recommend for
free if you choose to join there mailing - a great place to read and learn about many of the
worlds religions .
"You can fool some people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the time. So now we see the light, we gonna stand up for our rights!" -- Bob Marley
- Loose Change 2.0 (Official Site) - I always had this gut feeling that
Sept 11 was probably an inside job. This is the video that showed me my gut feeling was probably right, I know believe 9/11
was an inside job. Anyone who has not seen this film should see it. The world we live in has been largely shaped by the
Sept 11 attack, if this event was an inside job by the American government then the world has probably never seen a more
corrupt evil tyranny then now. You can watch the video on Google Video . According to
the Official Site a new edition titled "Loose Change Final Cut" should be hopefully be hitting theatres in the USA this
spring.Terror Storm By Alex Jones (video) Alex Jones presents accepted facts from history books
of government sponsored terrorism and false flag operations. He then proceeds to present evidence of the USA and co. doing it - This site gives an excellent brief summary of the official
government story of what happened on 911 and how it doesn't fit the evidence. (Thank you Randomlight for suggesting this link.) - The site Rosie O’Donnell has been starting to recommend to her viewers to learn the truth behind the Sept 11 According to
this article Rosie O’Donnell has been using her website to reprint excerpts from this web site to spread news about the 9/11 cover-up.
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"Did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter when the promise of a brave new world unfurled beneath a clear blue sky?" - Pink Floyd
NWO/Illuminati and Related Conspiracies:
JFK on Secret Societies
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- Alex Jones - a major player in the NWO resistance. Here are his sites with lots of information updated multiple times
a day: | | Alex Jone's Myspace Page
The Illuminati News ( A great place to learn about the Illuminati:
Main Gate , Illuminati News - Main Site Illuminati News - Spirituality and Spiritual Solutions Site ,America: Freedom to Fascism (video) Is US Income Tax Unconstitutional? Is a Fascist Dictatorship being put into place in the USA and Britain? In Canada, is the Federal Income Tax collected by the government unconstitutional too?The Corporation (video) This video proves we cannot trust our media and that corporations are wreaking havoc on society.Conspiracy of Silence The Discovery Channel documentary that was pulled off of the air after the station was put under pressure from congress. They were reimbursed 1/2 a million dollars in production costs to pull it off the air and destroy all copies. Now you get to watch a rough edit of the video they don't want you to see. Note: this video makes no mention of mind control, but I've read many sites and what is described going on in this video sounds a lot like the alleged techniques the Illuminati used to use to create trauma-based mind control (before they perfected electrical based methods).Secrets of the Matrix (David Icke) - Part I
Secrets of the Matrix (David Icke) - Part II
Secrets of the Matrix (David Icke) - Part III
David Icke gives a 6 hour presentation on the Illuminati/Neo-Cons/global elites, there symbology in modern society, how they manipulate the masses to keep them ignorant and under control. Love him or hate him David Icke has a wealth of information to present on conspiracies. Yeah, the whole reptilian thing is kind of weird but I have experienced weird things in my life during my spiritual meditation and rituals that cannot be explained by conventional logic, so although I have never seen and alien who knows lol. I do believe at one time intelligent beings (human or otherwise) built the ruins on Mars at Cydonia in pre-written history based on what evidence I have seen from Richard Hoagland's presentation to the UN. The head of NASA actually started to do an investigation into if there was an internal conspiracy within NASA but then he was quickly replaced by Bush before it was completed, hmmm... (forgot where I read this but it was probably either in the book titled "The Mars Mystery" by Graham Hancock" or Hoagland's site itself).The Robots Rebellion (David Icke) An earlier presentation by David Icke with more focus on the spiritual side of things (and no mention of "reptilians" lol).David Icke's Official Site - articles about the NWO as well as many interesting articles on the nature of reality.
If you could see the damn documentary they keep pulling off the net, you would see NASA's bizarre behaviour whenever they are asked about this subject. They contradict themselves and act very hostile in comparison if you ask them about any other topic. I think it is logical that NASA would only act this way if there was indeed something on Mars, if there wasn't then why would they be behaving so strangely?
To sum it up, there are multiple symmetrical objects at the Cydonia area on Mars which are all arranged in very complex mathematical arrangements to each other in what appears to be the layout of a "city". These objects are also precisely aligned with the poles and were aligned with the sun rising over the face from the view of the "city" when it was built.
Many ancient sites on Earth such as the Pyramids at Giza, Stone Henge, etc all over Earth are arranged in a similar manner and contain the same mathematical relationships. This suggests some kind of connection between these ruins on Mars and the ruins of ancient sites on Earth.
The mathematic constant in the structures and layout of the cities is that of a tetrahedron which plays a major role in theoretical mathematics dealing with spaces with more than 3 dimensions. The theoretical physics of these "hyper-dimensions" has predicted that all spherical objects will have pressure points at points where the tips of a tetrahedron (a pyramid with 4 sides including the bottom) that just fits within the sphere is placed inside it. Locations of things like the volcanoes in Hawaii, the storm on Jupiter and the dark spot on Neptune all appear at the location predicted. In fact, Hoagland and co predicted there might be something unusual on Neptune at a certain spot a few days before NASA took a close-up picture of Neptune and discovered the dark spot at that location. Also, in the theoretical physics the Hoagland group are investigating it was hypothesized that a rotating object would generate current (if I remember correctly) which it was proven does occur. We have nothing in conventional physics to explain this but the physics learned from the mathematics of the alleged artificial structures on Mars can explain it. I'm not an expert and my memory is foggy, if you are interested visit the Official Site or buy this book they are the best sources of information.
- Richard Hoagland and Co - Official Site"The Mars Mystery" by Graham Hancock" - Well at least you can still read a book about the Face on Mars and other
evidence it might have once supported life.Richard Hoagland Interview Video - See a 19 minute
video of Richard Hoagland talking about Cydonia research.Richard Hoagland 1992 Interview (video)An article on the possibility of former
life on Mars from the alternative online newspaper,
" The Canadian ". This article
mentions Cydonia and the Richard Hoagland's research.This link was to a portion of the (no longer available) video I saw of Richard Hoagland presenting his research
about a possible cover-up of artifacts being constructed by intelligent beings being discovered on Mars:
Hoagland's Mars - Vol. 2: The U.N. Briefing, the Terrestrial Connection - Alas,
this video "is no longer available due to a copyright claim by "UFO TV, Video Inc. company" according to YouTube (maybe they
should rename it 'theyTube' because it is only what they will let you see that you can watch).
Down with censorship! Down with capitalism that can keep profound truth hidden to make a buck! This could be the most
important discovery ever and hardly anyone can see the video presentation of the evidence because some stupid media company
won't let you see it. If anyone out there can put this up on a site as per lawful "fair use" policy for educational
purposes and "yada yada" send me the link and I will link to it from here. I have never seen this video on mainstream
media, I first stumbled upon it by accident on pay-per-view. I was happy to see it on Google Video last fall but then it
was removed although I found the first 10 minutes on YouTube which is gone now. There are, however, videos on this
available for purchase here.A Music Video Featuring Cydonia Footage
- Alex Jones' Infowars Site - Your main source for the latest information
about the NWO and the resistance. (See his site and if
interested subscribe to his blogs and bulletins on his MySpace page too.)David Icke's Official Site - featuring
headlines about the NWO
as well as many interesting
"articles about the nature of reality .News For The Soul is an Internet talk radio station I have discovered
which features many interviews with David Icke that you can
listen to online for free.No One Has To Die Tomorrow - an independent online newspaper featuring
many articles about 9/11, the NWO, etc. - to be - to be reviewedConscious Media Network - This site features free online video interviews with people like David Icke , Richard Hoagland , and many other spiritual teachers and controversial researchers.The Canadian - in their own words "Canada's new progressive and cross-cultural national newspaper". This is an online newspaper that isn't afraid to report on anything. Example headlines:Engineers say official story of World Trade Center 911 collapse is physically impossible U.S. Bush administration seeks take over of Canada under "War of Terrorism" pretext says Council of Canadians U.S. Bush administration allies want Canada along with francophone Quebec "erased" by 2010 "Ancient Gnostic disciples of Jesus reveal reasons for Extraterrestrial Denial in Western society" UFOs are as common in Space as planes in the sky Space Agency experts say
DISCLAIMER: This Myspace profile contains no medical advice. If you are in need of medical attention please consult with a licensed medical practitioner. This disclaimer has been put here because it is the belief of the owner of this profile that it is required by law for him to put this disclaimer here. The system has been designed so that only a person who has obtained a medical license through a licensed medical institution likely with educational programs funded and designed by large pharmaceutical companies wanting to promote their products may lawfully give medical advice.
- Timeless Herb Secrets - This website gives information out medicinal uses of herbs, how to grow and care for herbs and how to spice your food with herbs. This website is South Africa and thus not subject to censorship from bodies like the FDA, etc.
Natural Cures "They" Don't Want you to Know About" - Kevin Trudeau
- This is a book in which Kevin Trudeau expresses his opinion that the FDA and "Big Pharma" are trying to suppress information about effective low cost natural cures for most diseases since there is no way to patent a natural cure to make large profits from selling it. He suggests many unnatural food additives are being put in the foods we eat to make us addicted to certain foods, make use fat (because fat people eat more and will thus purchase more food they are addicted to), and make us unhealthy (so we will buy more pharmaceutical drugs as treatment). His opinion is that a diet of all natural foods and avoiding taking any pharmaceutical drugs will vastly improve a person's health and in many cases cure a dis-ease which a person may have. It is also his opinion that only the immune system can cure a disease and the immune system becomes most effective when the body is in an alkaline state in which it is virtually impossible for a disease to exist.
In criticism of this book is it presented in a paranoid manner making claims that he has been in all these meetings of various corporations and such and such where they planned to make people addicted to their products by adding certain unnatural additives, but he does not however explain just how he got invited to these meetings which is why I am skeptical. However, that said I do believe his opinion on natural foods and avoidance of unnatural foods and pharmacetical drugs (except for acute emergency problems) is probably right. Afterall, our bodies have spent hundreds of thousands of years evolving to process the natural foods on this planet. In the last 100 years the food product corporations have decided to go against this natural evolution and invent "Frankenstein foods" by genetically engineering them, using toxic pesticides to grow them, blasting them with radiation (to kill bacteria), putting them through hyper-processing and putting all kinds of unnatural chemical additives and preservatives in them. Common sense would seem to suggest unnatural foods are probably bad for (MySPace: ) - a web site about drugs and additives like MSG being added to our foods to make us addicted and causing health problems.Marlene George - Holistic Healer and Wellness Coach - This is a friend and one of my spiritual teachers who is a Reiki Master and a Licensed Therapeutic Touch ™ Practitioner . She also gives inspirational speaking sessions and workshops on self-improvement. Marlene's teachings are based on the Law of Attraction , yes the same Law of Attraction as the recent popular movie based on the book "The Secret" - by Rhonda Byrne (Editor) teaches. Marlene has been using the Law of Attraction as the basis of her teachings for 18 years. I have studied with her for the past four years. If you are looking for a way to improve your self-esteem, self-confidence, relationship, financial situation, business, vitality or the state of your body you should check her out. If you live outside the Toronto area in Canada then you can still join Marlene for distance classes over the telephone or purchase her teachings in her books and CDs .
Note: I'm not making any commission on this referral lol, just recommending someone I've learned from myself.
Some of you may be skeptical of energy healing but I am attuned as a Reiki Master although I only use it as a hobby currently. I know it is real because I feel the energy when I channel it (sometimes I can even see it if I'm lucky) and my hands get very hot when I do (it manifests through different healers differently sometimes, with me it's heat). Anyone I've worked on knows it's real too because they can feel the energy when I work on them. Therapeutic Touch ™ (ironically named because you usually work with the aura a few inches above the body without actually touching the person) is a form of energy healing that actually has support of the mainstream medical community unlike Reiki (although Reiki and Therapeutic Touch ™ are very similar energy healing techniques). I believe we all have the ability of energy healing, when I went for my Reiki training people felt my energy while I was working on them even before I had been attuned (which they say activates the Reiki energy in you). So I was able to do Reiki without even being attuned which goes to show probably anyone can do it. - Online Medical Journal for discussion uninfluenced by pharmaceutical corporations. I saw a brief write-up about this site in a free somewhat independent newspaper this morning (I say somewhat because they do regurgitate the mainstream articles a lot too). According to the article I read this morning Open Medicine is a site which disallows sponsorship or advertising from pharmaceutical companies and hence is able to give unbiased opinions which are not influenced by large pharmaceutical corporations trying to push their products. According to the Open Medicine site itself, it is a "Open Medicine is a peer-reviewed, independent, open-access general medical journal. The mission of Open Medicine is to facilitate the equitable global dissemination of high-quality health research; to promote international dialogue and collaboration on health issues; to improve clinical practice; and to expand and deepen the understanding of health and health care. The Journal will examine issues relevant to health and clinical medicine both in Canada and internationally."
- Marlene George - Holistic Healer and Wellness Coach - This is one
of my teachers. She has books and CDs for sale ,
teaches self-improvement workshops, does inspirational group sessions, trains people in Reiki and gives holistic
treatments ( Reiki /
Therapeutic Touch ™ /
Cranio Sacral (Cranial Sacral) ).
Note: I am not making any commission on this recommendation or anything, I am just recommending someone I have learned from myself.Alex Jones' Shop - DVDs and T-Shirts From Alex Jones .David Icke's Shop - love him or hate him David Icke is a great source of information about the Illuminati/NWO. His shop has his books and DVDs available for purchase.Breakthrough Books and Gifts - An alternative bookstore on spiritual and religious topics. It also has crystals, candles etc.. They also have many classes by New Age teachers.The Conspiracy Brand site was posted as a comment on my page so I am putting it here.
Conspiracy Clothes - selling T-shirts about conspiracy topics: September 11th, The Pyramid/precession, Fluoride, The Federal Reserve, The Bill of Rights
I changed my profile with help from pYzam