Photography.. duh! Our cameras Nikon D200 AND Nikon D40 My sweet precious baby boy who is no longer a baby- "I'm a big guy huh?" is all I hear now. My Husband in part of my interest, I'm interested in seeing how long it will take him to pick up his plate after dinner... years?
My sister Meredith is amazing at finding songs I can't live without hearing every secound of the day. She is my muse- she is the reincarnater of one of the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, goddess of memory. (Some history for you) The Muses inspired and presided over the creative arts. They were Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, and Urania, responsible for epic poetry, history, love poetry, lyric poetry, tragedy, sacred song, dance, comedy, and astronomy, respectively. Meredith is my muse!
Last movie I saw- The eye. Jessica Alba, She has this incredible beauty like no one else.
Scrubs, 70show- and of course "America's Next Top Model" and "Make me a supermodel". Those shows get me so inspired- I want to go out and shoot anything that moves! lol (with my camera, of course)
I'm reading Mary Mary. Seems good so far..
Fire fighers, EMTs, Paramedics, Teachers, etc... Those we take advantage of everyday. Those who don't get paid near as much as they should! Would you continue doing what you're doing for 5 to 7 dollars an hour? Do you save lives?