Envy-San profile picture


Any Envious Person Should Have Their Eyes Sewn Shut With Wire.

About Me

His Story:
When a sin is born it's opposing virtue is born as well. Born as brothers in a enteral war. When Dante and Hohenheim lost there first born baby. They used alchemy to bring him back. These two were the first to do this. And the succeeded...almost. They didn't get there actual son. Insteed they got two monsters. Hohenhiem realized he made a mistake and locked the two monsters away. In a room with a bunch of other failures. Red Stones. The one thing a homunculus needs to live. One began to consume the red stones. The one who would call him self Satisfaction.He began to take form of the child that was lost but as a small child at aleast the age of 9 or 10. And looked over to his brother. Still a monster apparently didn't know what to do. So Satisfaction began to feed his little brother the red stones. He to call his little brother, Envy. When Envy began to take his shape Satisfaction and Envy made a promise. To protect to eachother. Because know one else will.
One day, Dante, now depressed because her husband had left her,was curious to see what happened to the monsters that were created in the transmutstion, went to the old shed. When she opened the door. She found the two children. Satisfaction and Envy looked over at her and saw her eyes fill up with tears. Dante began to walk over to them. Satisfaction shouted at her to leave but she didn't listen she just kept walking over with open arms, tears streaming down her face. The virtue and sin were completely confused as her arms wrapped around them hold them closely, saying "my baby" over and over. From that day she took the twins under her wing. As the years went by the boys grew in to men and there stopped aging. One day the two brothers betrayed eachother. No one knows why...but they did. Thus Starting the entral war between
the Seven Holy Virtues and
the Seven Deadly Sins
1.Changing into people i hate and making them do dreadful things.
2. My orobouros tat on my thigh.
3. Thoughts of the manner in which I should slaughter Him..

1.Hohenheim of Light (that bastard!)
2. Edward Elric
3. Humans
4. people who try to tell me what to do.
5. Being corrected
6. Human food
7. The gate

My Interests

-DO NOT say you love my after the first two times we talk but Flirting is okay after a while
- -__- don't send me hate mail about how "ENVY DOESN'T LOOK LIKE THAT AS A HUMAN YOU IDOIT!!" Um I'm quiet aware I just refuse to use the way he looks because I DON'T LIKE IT!!
- And the virtue thing...I know that really doesn't happen thats just me trying to do something interesting.
- Don't send me pictures to edit -__- I don't have the software to do it
- don't send messages that only say "hey!" add a bit more to it or I won't have anything to say
- Please...PLEASE don't do the game where we trade off questions I HATE THAT GAME!!
- Roleplaying or just plan talking is fine with me
- that pretty much wraps things up. Hope we become close ^^

I'd like to meet:

Myself. Sucka.


What I really enjoy is the singing of death. Just listening to suffering just gives me butterflies!


what are movies?


i'm to busy to do such things


I don't really read that much.


Hitaki is the first friend I've had outside the sins. She had shown me that...O_O; my life is truely aweful with Dante. So she helped me escape. Hitaki and me share many memories together. She is truely I trust worthy friend I would trust her with anything.

Oh...where to start with Rogue. Well...our meeting wasn't exactly pleasent. We wanted to kill eachother at first. But after a while I guess something clicked and we became friends. I can't...show you all the scares she gave me...AND will give me. ==; But other than that...I guess you can say we have a good friendship...a...painful one. TT^TT

Edward T.T I suposse.
I guess me and Edward are friends now T.T. We share...very...ackward...memories. Such as being caught in a huge wave getting stuck on a island, getting attack by monkeys and savages. But other than that we're friend now.

My Blog


I’M DELETING MY PROFILE!!   no no XD I’m not   I’m just gonna be gone for like...the whole weekend so I won’t get your messages until monday then NEXT WEEK END don&rs...
Posted by Envy-San on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 03:47:00 PST


Color=Green Sign: Moon Punishment in Hell= Have eyes sewn shut with wire and put into freezing water.   Envy is an emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's superior quality, achievemen...
Posted by Envy-San on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 08:22:00 PST

My rant about a sex crazy bitch.

there was this girl...always fucking looking for sex...I mean likeEVERY FUCKING BULLETIN"omg omg I'm horny...omg...ahh ugh horny FUCK ME BOYS AHAHA!"I mean there's nothing wrong with wanting sex nothi...
Posted by Envy-San on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 08:37:00 PST

My Rant About The Cereal Commericals Today T_T

Remember how Trix was the only cereal where someone tried to steal it? WHY IS EVERY OTHER CEREAL DOING THAT!!!?? Cookie Crisp...dudes come on...what happened to the good Chip? The one were he would g...
Posted by Envy-San on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 02:44:00 PST