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Eric Charland

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About Me



Name : Eric Charland

Age : 17

Hometown : Montreal, PQ

Eric Charland is a very young songwriter who plays Drums, Guitar, Piano, Bass and sings. He's only 17, but he has a lot of potential. He doesn't try to make punk songs or pop songs, he just tries to make great songs, songs that move you, songs that make you shiver. His catchy melodies and sensitive lyrics make his music accessible to everyone. You can easily relate to his songs. Delivering hards riffs, solid rhythms and nice harmonies, Eric's music is really mature and complete. You stay captivated by his songs from the first listen. He's one to watch in the next few years. Whatever you like Rock, Pop or Punk music, Eric Charland's music deserves a listen.

Peter Rylander

Eric Charland est un très jeune Auteur-Compositeur-Interprète qui joue de la Batterie, Guitare, Piano, Basse et il chante. Il a seulement 17 ans mais il a beaucoup de potentiel. Il n'essait pas de faire du punk ou du pop, il essait seulement de faire des bonnes chansons. Ses mélodies accrocheuses et ses paroles remplies d'émotions rend sa musique accessible a tous. On peut facilement se reconnaître, ou reconnaître quelqu'un de notre entourage dans ses chansons. Délivrant des riffs pesants, des rythmes solides et des belles harmonies, sa musique est très mature. On reste accroches a la première écoute. Il est a surveiller dans les prochaines années. Que vous aimiez le Rock, le Pop ou le Punk, sa musique se doit d'être écouter au moins une fois.

Peter Rylander

I have been in music and songwritting for a while now and i have heard many songwritters to this day and i must comfirm that Eric Charland is just awesome and... only 17 years old ! I first heard Eric's music looking for band members and i was just chocked about his talent ! He has the energy, the feel to today's music, great riffs and melodies that keep playing in your head ! I would put my money on Eric because i always said that the best songwritters are stilll playing... in their basement !

Johnny Cool, songwritter

Johnny Cool Music Blog

Johnny Cool Music Beta Records Account

Je suis moi-même dans le merveilleux monde de la musique depuis un certain temps et j'ai entendu beaucoup d'auteurs-compositeurs-interprêtes à ce jour et je dois dire que Eric Charland est vraiment exceptionnel et... seulement 17 ans ! J'ai entendu la musique de Eric pour la première fois en cherchant des musiciens et j'ai vraiment eu un choc envers son talent ! Il a cette énergie, le "feel" de la musique d'aujourd'hui, d'excellents "riffs" et des mélodies qui continuent de jouer dans votre tête ! Je mettrais mon argent sur Eric parce que j'ai toujours dis que les meilleurs auteurs-compositeurs-interprêtes sont encore entrain de jouer... dans leur sous-sol !

Johnny Cool, auteur-compositeur-interprête

Johnny Cool Music Blog

Johnny Cool Music Beta Records Account

My Interests


Member Since: 2/23/2007
Band Website:
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Eric Charland on a compilation!

Hi guys! Yes! It's true! My song "Alone" will on a compilation of 272 records called the Mob Rules - A Pop-Punk Revolution. The album is coming out on April 29. You can get the album on or ...
Posted by Eric Charland on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 03:23:00 PST

New Song! Pressure!

Hey! Today is the day!   Yep a new song up for the first time in about 4 months. This song's called pressure! It's more rock than everything i've done before. It has a lot of power and energy. It...
Posted by Eric Charland on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 08:00:00 PST

I’m not Dead!

Hey what's up!   I hope you guys are doing good had some great holidays. I wish you everything you want for 2008! Peace, love and music!   I'm not dead actually, i've just been really busy ...
Posted by Eric Charland on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 12:52:00 PST

Hear me on the Radio!

Hey Everyone! Very good news today! Java Joel from 94.7 Hits FM will be talking about my music and play a bit of my stuff on his show Wednesday (July 18th) between 6pm and 7pm. Here's his myspace and...
Posted by Eric Charland on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 07:33:00 PST

Website and shows!

Hi everyone !There is all the websites where you can listen to my songs. Thanks for all your comments! It's really nice guys! There's maybe a few shows that will be planned for this summer in the Mont...
Posted by Eric Charland on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 12:39:00 PST

New song!

Hey guys! Check out my new song call "Tonight" ! I'm really excited to see if you guys, are gonna like it! Leave me comments! I wanna hear your feedback! Rock on! Eric...
Posted by Eric Charland on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 04:44:00 PST