“In the darkest heart of society there lays a decrepit metropolis, festering with the greed and utter corruption of its inhabitants. This birthplace of death is ironically known as Sweet City. Amidst the fallen souls crouches a young girl, faltering under the weight of the sins that have tainted her eyes since birth. Rather than fall into line serving her own instinctual desires like so many others in her life, the young girl escapes to the deepest recesses of her mind. In this place she feels secure and removed from the evils of society. Darkness, however, has a way of reaching through into even the most carefully guarded corners when you live in Sweet City.â€Make Sure To Visit Straight Faced Liars MYSPACE MUSIC PAGE By Clicking the picture.
Make Sure To Visit Straight Faced Liars MYSPACE MUSIC PAGE By Clicking the picture.