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Ewwwww, Get Your Finger Outta My Ear!

About Me

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.....I am not a deep person, but I have been known to eat granola, sometimes with yogurt while reading a book. I don't have any special talents or tricks. I'm a ROWDY IRISH GIRL at heart. I entertain easily. My days are filled with cartoons, books about animals and the alphabet, songs with 'the Itsy-Bitsy Spider', sippy cups, snacking on Goldfish crackers, the occasional nap time, and I wouldn't have it any other way! How many other *careers* are this rewarding, and pay you in hugs, kisses, and "I love yous"? My life revolves completely around my family. I love nothing more than being a wife and mother. I'm married to my high school sweetie, he's one fantubulous, stupendous feller, if I do say so myself. He puts up with a lot from me (especially my shopping habits, and temper), and still tells me he loves me at the end of the day. He brings me home roses and beer, that right there, that's LOVE.One day I'd like to return to school and finish my major in History, & learn to speak Irish Gaelic. History is more of a passion for me than just a curiosity. I'd as well love to travel the entire East Coast, especially the Colonial States, and eventually visit ALL of the United Kingdom, Norway, Romania, & Italy. California is beautiful and I am grateful to have grown up there, but do you ever feel as if you're misplaced? All my life I had dreamed of living on the East Coast. "One day, one day", I used to say, until recently my hubby made my life's biggest dream come true, this past December (2006)we became EAST COASTERS! BoooooYah! Those of you who truly know me understand what a big deal this is to me. I have always found myself fascinated with the Paranormal, but until a 'ghost' jumps out and yells, "Oooogly Booogly Boo!" at me I'll probably remain a "hopeful skeptic." I was that dorky kid in elementary school who sat in the library at lunch reading books based on the paranormal, and scary stories. Hmmmmm...what else is there for me to say, I like cold, rainy afternoons, trips to Starbucks, a good chat, the outdoors, hiking, taking long walks, visiting cemeteries, going to the park with my kiddos, running, the beach, admiring old homes, visiting historic places, being a hockey fan, bowling, shopping, scrapbooking, photography, reading, collecting nearly anything from the Nightmare Before Christmas- it's a unhealthy obsession really. I love nearly all of Tim Burton's films. I think fairies exist, and I love Ren. faires.I often think too much, usually about pretty weird things. I have a busy imaginations. I also talk entirely too much. I often think people tune me out while I speak. I say stuff like "Rock On", Sweet!" "Get Outta Town!" & and "I'm a Pirate!" entirely too often, and generally at inappropriate times. and I've been known to shove things up my nostril holes just to see if they'll stick. I like to wear funky socks. I'm obsessed with lipgloss. I'm convinced the Boogey Man resides in my basement. I get a kick out of going to public places to observe the strange behaviors of other people...Wal-Mart generally seems like a good location for this pastime, but alas I find Wal-Mart to be a crappy place to shop and try to avoid it anymore at all cost. I hate standing in long lines behind people who smell like spicy burritos. I wish Fall lasted longer, as it is my favorite time of the year. I find it calming and beautiful. I think Guinness is the nectar of the God's, and I like my music loud and sometimes mad...YES, I AM A BABBLER!
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My Interests

My Family, Scrapbooking, Disney, Photography, History, Paranormal stuff- Spookies and what not, Collecting oodles & oodles of Nightmare Before Christmas goodies, Skeletons, Music, Tattoos, Hockey, Trips to the park, Bowling, Mt. Biking, Watching surfers, Outdoors,Hiking,Coffee, A Slave to Starbucks, Amuesment Parks, Fitness, Observing people's strange habits, Fairies, smelly marker pens, Play-Doh, Nachos, Beer, and of course Shiney things.

I'd like to meet:

First of all....I enjoy meeting new people I have interests in common with, but I do NOT wish to accept random, mass adds! My point in being here is NOT to have oodles and oodles of people on my friend's list. Also, I DO NOT WISH TO ADD YOUR BAND! If I DIG your music I will seek your band out, until then BUGGER OFF!Let's see other than that.....People! People are a good start. Alive people, dead people. I'm easy going. Firstly, I'd gladly be friends with anyone who didn't try to suck the small existing amount of brain I have left out through my ear would be a nice start. Other than that, what most impresses me are people who do not attempt to impress me with their extensive vocabulary, or knowledge of uselessness which was more than likely purchased during a late night infomercial for $19.95.Hmmmmmm, I'd especially like to meet a ghost. Know any?


.... A lot of alternative, Celtic music, Irish Folk Rock,& Electronica/Hard Trance from the 90's. U2,Dave Matthews Band, Staind, Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphys, Social Distortion, Jack Johnson, Pillar, FlyLeaf, , Blues Traveler, Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, The Police/Sting, Celldweller, Underworld, The Cure, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Coldplay, Sublime, evenesance, System of a Down, Sevendust, Mudvayne, Rob Zombie, Disturbed, NIN, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Korn, Static-X, Slipknot, Ozzy, House of Pain, Creature Feature, Aqua Bats, Depeche Mode.


Tim Burton movies. The Nightmare Before Christmas (An OBSESSION...can you tell?), The Corpse Bride, Vincent, Sleepy Hollow, Big Fish, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, Beetlejuice, Edward Scissor Hands, Frankeweenie. Devil's Rejects, House of a 1,000 Corpses, Interview With a Vampire, Braveheart, Underworld, The Others, Pirates of the Caribbean, Triplets Of Belleveille, The Patriot, Glory, Babe, The Quiet Man, Labyrinth, Night of the Living Dead, National Treasure, Tank Girl, & The Tigger Movie


Ghost Hunters, Haunted Travels, History Detectives, MXC, Foster's Home For Iaginary Friends, Pete & Pete, Viva la Bam, Grey's Anatomy, Reruns/on DVD Pee Wee's PlayHouse ( "I'M PULLIN' FOR PEE-WEE!" ), Fraggle Rock, the Three Stooges, the Twighlight Zone. I usually just watch whats on the History Channel, SciFi, or Discovery. Does that make me a nerd?


Bible, Bono In Conversation With Michka Assayas, The Historian, Harry Potter books, Tuesdays With Morrie, The Red Badge of Courage, Storm Across The Land, Lord of the Rings-Tolkien, One FishTwo Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark, Where the Wild Things Are. Edward Gorey's books and art. I even read my old history text books from high school, and college for kicks. How's that for nerdy?


Jesus My hubby Bono, he doesn't need to wear tights to help save the world. UnderDog Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (for you Keegan!)

My Blog

I'm Going to Be An East Coaster!!

I can't believe it's happening......WE'RE MOVING TO FREDERICKSBURG, VIRGINIA Y'ALL!!!
Posted by EatCrayons on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 10:40:00 PST

Yo...I don't blog here

Find my nonesense blabbing the slight bit interesting? Check out more here.Bloggy, Blog, Bloggin She Eats CrayonsThe cool kids don't blog on MySpace. ...
Posted by EatCrayons on Thu, 05 Jan 2006 12:33:00 PST