Introducing the industry's newest “Dynamic Duoâ€, Tag Team Champs in a weight class all their own…. I.C.Eâ„¢ BLOC!I.C.E Bloc is the hottest hip-hop tag team to be introduced into the music world since Outkast. We are providing an edge that combines fresh and unique lyrics, contagious energy, and true street credibility. Listeners get to hear real music from the spirit of everything that is hip-hop.Highly motivated by the new up and coming talent arising in the industry today along with their admiration for the seasoned vets in the game they feel it is the perfect time to showcase their skills. They have completely catapulted themselves into a lifestyle which puts their craft as rappers center stage. Together this TEAM inspires to be heard not just locally but worldwide and if given the opportunity they guarantee the game will never be the same and they will have fans hungry for the next track by I.C.Eâ„¢ BLOC!Be sure to request a copy of the I.C.Eâ„¢ BLOC PROMO CD and be a part of history in the making. Send an email through myspace or to
[email protected] Also, keep an eye out for upcoming events in your area where you can receive a copy from I.C.Eâ„¢ BLOC in person.
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