Blame yourself first if: You were born free, nurtured healthy, given knowledge, provided opportunity, extended trust, or loved unconditionally. Accept/embrace your identity, create infinitely on the canvas of your true passion(s), never fear letting go of your inhibitions, reservations, or insecurities. A life without risk taking or chance is not a life worth living. ---me---MY PERSONALITY & CHARACTER DEFINED: I'm artistically passionate, eternally humorous, & above all, REAL(no matter how much pain it may induce). I'm half Punjabi(East Indian) and Irish. I push myself creatively, socially,& intellectually, in hope that my perserverence can shed a sliver of light on the world, because without the arts, we have nothing to express our souls. MY NAME,ACCORDING TO THE SUPREME ALPHABET OF MATHEMATICS: J=JUSTICE(Justice is one's reward or penalty for one's ways or actions). Z=ZigZagZig(ZigZagZig means knowldege,wisdom, and understanding; man,woman, and child. L=Love,Hell,or Right(Love is supreme understanding among those who are original. Hell is the penalty for ignorance. Right is to be correct, no matter who it hurts. The PHILOSOPHY OF BALANCE I CONSIDER BEFORE ACTION: THE 7 SINS OF THE WORLD(1)Wealth without Work(2)Pleasure without conscience(3)Knowledge without Character(4)Commerce without Morality(5)Science without Humanity(6)Worship without Sacrifice(7)Politics without Principle. -Ghandi.