Oxygen (the element, not the channel). Food (the substance, not the network).Huh. I'm watching the new Law and Order CI. Does the autopsy lady and the captain have a thing going on? I need to watch this show more often.
Someone who can explain the whole Twin Peaks phenomenon.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
Here's where I'll give props to some local music.Basshound Damn Right Byzantine Top 40 The Country Devils The Lucky Few JB Beverly and the Wayward Drifters Wham (Hey, I could be from England) Tears for Fears (Really, I could)
Jerry McGuire. He had me at hello.
Wife Swap. You know, when I first heard that title, I was thinking different things.Those sneaky bastards.
I'm a fan of books.I'm a bigger fan of beer though.
The Marlboro Man and Joe Camel. How the heck can they smoke cigarettes all those years and still look youthfullike and cancer free?