NoW What Am I? KeeP woNdEring And FinDing pieCes oF mE thaT HaD FaDe AwAy...
I'M haPPy aS LonG peopLe arOunD Me iS haPPy...
JuZ waNt To Go To a bRand nEw placE whEre OnlY mE anD my Family leFt There...
i juz Want tO LeavE tHis CrUel WoRld BuT caN i?
I waNt To Be aLOne But Is iT woRTh iT WheRe it Eats mE fRom the InSiDE? Yess, Its huRt aLoT...But pPl SeeMs Don'T carE? WiLL therE Be anYone THat aLwaYs THerE fOR me? i KnoW, GOD of CouRSe...
buT i stIll waIting For HiS iNviTAtion sO That i Can Be tO soMewhere THat i Really BelOng...a VeRY waRm farEweLL tO my pHAm And frIends...mUM, daD, would u 4giVe me for aLL the Sin i've done And HuRt Ur FeeLiNg OvEr& OveR agaiN? lUv BoTh oF u...I pRay FoR U fRom tHeRe...I Can"t Be HAppy aNd alWays do... i"m soRRy
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