About Me
well....i love-fun,hangin out with friends, busch light, buttery nipples(the shot), my family, the beach, summer nights, being the center of attention, ohio state football, tailgating, backroading, country music, sleeping in, funny movies, being myself, hoodies, flip flops, makeup, singing in my car(cuz thats when i sound the best) beef n noodles, sweet tea, my dog caesar, camp fires, holidays, laughing, being laughed at, feeling loved, candles, nice smiles, the yankees,jamboree!!!!BUT i hate...hangovers, the alarm clock, doin my hair, michigan, shopping, liars, cheaters, fake people, bad eyebrows, karaoke nights(unless im singin!haha) crowded places, making plans,cleaning, walmart, homework,being bored(like now), needles, bad movies, shaving, always being a bridesmaid(bridesmaid 9 times!!)