What Combat Weaponry Are You?
M-240 Machinegun
You won't back down from any situation and are extremely reliable. You are very versatile and can scrap with the best.
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my baby lil sis.... imma miss you wen im gone i know u can write so i betta see a letta from u everyday!!!! bye baby *~muah~*
da reAr eNd a my biTch, reppiN dat wesTsiDe aLL day eveRyday
try tA siT on my bAby like diz N watcha get smasHd oN
ya nigga dat hoodz da real deal!!!!
whiCh oNe a my baBieZ shud I ride?
waNNa go fOr a riDe?
who da fuck is dat behind me.... bitch ass nigga dont ya know ill blow ya ass up....bitch!!!!
me wit my lip ring stiLL iN, my popZ N LiL sIs.... look at dem glovez....dont be da 1 ta cut me off on da freeway cuz you aint gone have windowz left!
my nigga rIGo iN da miDDle, hiS giRl oN da riTe jessiCa, N my neWly joiNed arMy soLda daViD in dA grEEN haT
back theN hAhA
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