These guitars do have a 16th of an inch Granite Laminate top,but there is a scientific, PATEND method...There are Granite strips and blocks imbedded of the core of the guitar body...Results are:More Clairity,Punch,Tight Body Bass,Sub-Harmonics,Sustain,and overall...PROJECTION...!...And "NO" they DO NOT WEIGH a TON...PETRONE TONE is a brother company of Stone Tone,which I was a big part of;Designing the enhancements,and the idea of the internal enhancements. 4 years past,I left Stone Tone do to "Intalectual Property Differences.Since then PETRONE TONE has moved on.We have other ideas to offer the guitar public,for years to come. look at the slide shows and see what we have done so far,and the celebs that love the idea...Please feel free to comment....thank you Background By Profile Mods sincerly...Dave
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