umm.. i don't think we should go into details.. b/c emily said i couldn't put BOYS! that cunt face. emilyGod's Playing Field
special people like me. oh wait.. that wasn't supposed to go on there.. i meant BOYS! on a more serious note.. the person i'd most like to meet would prolly be.. hmm.. shit.. i can't think of anyone serious. umm.. prolly my hott new neighbor.. dude.. i saw him mowin the lawn.. he's got a 6pack.. woo wee. lol sorry..
i go out seal hunting w/ my best friend tarka.. but all i want to do is get into his parka i'm the only gay eskimo.. in my Trriiiiiiiibe.. blah blah blah. and the seals they sing now. (seal sounds: oarp oarp oarp) ok.. i love that song. almost as good as particle man! particle man! he can do anything that a particle can. triangle man triangle man. triangle man hates particle man. they have a fight. triangle wins. triangle man triangle man!
i think horror movies are my favorites. but ya know.. i'm kind of a pansy.. so i'm either hiding under a blanket or closing my eye when the scary parts come around. which kind of defeats the purpose of scary movies.. but whatever.
uuuuuummmm mtv and mtv2 for music videos.. that's about it. other than that i'm usually watchin movies.. maybe cartoon network if there's nothing else on..
umm i like horror books. but whenever a gross or scary part comes it's funny cuz i didn't see it, it scared someone, and it didn't happen to me. but then again.. i can't watch scary movies cuz i'm a visual learner and i'm a pansy.
captain crotch er.. i mean crunch. enough said.