PAINTNGS:SHORT BIO:-)Lukas Wronski is an accomplished violin maker, musician, artist, presently living in New York City. His fine arts experience in violin making, music, and painting has been varied and distinctive. He was born in Limanowa, Poland in a family with a long music and artistic tradition. Since his childhood, he had been educated in music and fine arts. He graduated from the A. Kenar's College of Arts in Zakopane and gained a Master of Arts degree with honors as an outstanding student from the I.J. Paderewski’s Academy of Music in Poznan, Poland, the faculty of artistic violin making, He has apprenticed and worked in renowned ateliers of violin making in Poland, Cremona in Italy, England, and the United States of America. Lukas has participated in a myriad of international violin-making competitions (Moscow, Poznan, Paris, Baltimore, Portland) and received high marks of recognition for his instruments. Lukas fashions violins based on classical models of the old-world masters as well as designing his own distinctive creations, all of which are true works of art. Most recently he has included the construction of 5-string violins for the unique sounds they produce. As an artist painter, Lukas has taken part in numerous exhibitions in Europe and the USA. He is also an accomplished musician, who has performed with various music bands. He is a member of Violin Society of America and in the Polish Violin-making Association. <a