I reside in a little place called Heaven, play your cards right and you just might make it here someday. I created everything your eyes can see, plus everything they can't. You ever heard of the Big Bang? Yeah, that was me. I was in college trying to impress my roommate chuggz by lighting a fart on fire and BAM! There's your universe. I enjoy hunting with my bolt action M40A3 sniper rifle with telescopic sights, so don't test the G.O.D.! Besides assassination attempts, I enjoy cruisin' with my favorite son, Jesus, in my 2006 Cadillac Escalade. One thing I really hate is when people tell the story of Job. Tell that damn story one more time and I'll get angrier than Albert Einstein after he found out I invented Shrinky Dinks. Whenever I have a bit of down time from managing existence, I like to spend time with my wonderful girlfriend Janet. I just wish she would let me go raw dog...you know what I mean??? I used to be a huge 9ers and Bulls fan, but now I've jumped on the Pats and Yankees bandwagon. I also really enjoy U2, The Rolling Stones and Nelly. Keith Richards and I have an ongoing bet on who will die first. Can you keep a secret? I'll win the bet in 2023.