The Tree of Life profile picture

The Tree of Life

About Me

I am a Stag: of seven tines
I am a Flood: across a plain
I am a Wind: upon the waves
I am a Tear: the sun lets fall
I am a Hawk: above the cliff
I am a Thorn: beneath the nail
I am a Wonder: among flowers
I am a Wizard: who but I
Sets the cool head aflame?
I am a Spear: that roars for blood
I am a Salmon: in a pool
I am a Lure: from Paradise
I am a Hill: where poets walk
I am a Boar: ruthless and red
I am a Breaker: threatening doom
I am a Tide: that drags to death
I am an Infant: who but I
Peeps from the unhewn dolman arch?

I am the Womb: of every holt
I am the Blaze: on every hill
I am the Queen: of every hive
I am the Shield: for every head
I am the tomb: of every hope

Song of Amergin (Trans: Robert Graves)..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Everything and Everyone!Sephiroth artwork by William Max Miller - thanQ

My Blog

The Book of Taliesin

CÂD GODDEUThe Battle of the TreesI have been in many shapes, before I attained a congenial form.I have been a narrow blade of a sword, I have been a drop in the air.I have been a shining star. I have ...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 17:00:00 GMT


Being thus prepared for us in all ways, and made beautiful, and good for food, and for building, and for instruments of our hands, this race of plants, deserving boundless affection and admiration fro...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 17:00:00 GMT

The Ladder

"I will arise and go unto my Father."MALKUTHDark, dark, all dark. I cower, I cringe.Only above me is a citron tingeAs if some echo of red, old, and blueChimed on the night and let its shadow through....
Posted by on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 17:00:00 GMT