About Me
Lifestyle Discussions View ResultsSince when is it ok to steal wages from the workers? If someone works for you and allows you to keep that money until they need it, does that mean you do not have to give it to them when they ask for it? I believe in the Golden Rule.
My beautiful friend Angelica Tchokreff was killed in a tragic house fire on April 28, 2006. Since then, I have forsaken my own sons to help le D Tchokreff. This is an indisputable fact.
I have expressed the fact that I would like to see Dale give Angelica some kind of memorial to keep her presence in this town. Angelica could not wait to leave here, just like me. We had a lot in common that way. Now she is stuck here forever. I would like to see her remembered FOREVER, and for that I am vilified now by le D. I feel obligated to tell him that he is narcissistic. Definition: Erotic gratification derived from admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes, being a normal condition only at the INFANTILE level of personality development!
I came back to this town to record some music.
My first thought was to help the people I thought were my friends. I had known Angel since the day she was born. Long before her punk brother ("only child" le D) ever locked her out of the house and made her break a window to get back in. I noticed that the window was broken and asked what had happened to it during one visit when Angel was still alive... and she told me the story.
The money that I loaned his Dale Tchokreff in the form of thousands of dollars in unpaid wages was part of what he ended up using to send his son (le D) to college. I planned on being repaid so that I could leave this town and spend time with my own sons.
How old am I? I am old enough to realize that even though my brother and sister are dead, it does not make me an only child. I suppose since my parents are dead, that makes me an orphan...
It is pretty sad to think that a small amount of money can end a friendship of 30 years. (Especially since I am not the one who decided to steal it!) I am guilty of supplication. Yes, I have something in common with Jesus. I was willing to give someone my coat and my comfort for a while. We both got sacrificed by the very people we were trying to help. I am happy they did not nail me to a cross and kill me! I am guilty of doing unto others as I would have them do unto me.
I am a singer and songwriter ... I have written more than one hundred songs ... I was born in the State of Michigan in the USA ... I have been alive for more than fifty years ... There is a lot to tell! Feel free to send me a message if you are confused or need more information ...
I am very interested and preoccupied with my friend MAGICMAD from Hamburg, Germany ... Check him out! ADD HIM!! He will be in my top friends now and always!! ...
ttp://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/7682286.stm -----------
I AM PROUD TO SAY THAT CHUCK HESTON WAS MY FRIEND. Chuck was an AMERICAN. Chuck was an outspoken and outstanding President of the NRA... but he was also an AMERICAN who marched for civil rights with Martin Luther King.... I am also THAT kind of AMERICAN... ____________________R.I.P. also to another REAL AMERICAN hero named Paul Newman... Paul was also an outstanding AMERICAN and philanthropist... He personally made sure that his charity would be his legacy to posterity. Paul set up a company that would not only employ many AMERICANS, but it would also donate ALL the profits to his favorite charities... That is perfectly acceptable to me... This is an example that should be the standard for EVERY millionaire... It is the PATRIOTIC thing to do after a person realizes the AMERICAN DREAM... I think Congress should enact a law that would facilitate that PATRIOTIC end... I was shocked and annoyed that ANYONE would ridicule the idea that it is not PATRIOTIC to pay a fair share of taxes to the country that allowed and helped them to become mega-rich!!!!!
My beautiful friend Angelica Tchokreff was killed in a tragic house fire on April 28, 2006.
My friend Elliott Randall was kind enough to show me this clip so I borrowed it for the rest of my life! haha! ... I happen to know he is a fine fellow and it is a real joy to call him my friend! Please go see Elliot on his space ... You will find Elliott in my friends list along with my friend Johnny Winter. They would be happy to see you stop by their pages and share the love! Buying their stuff is a really nice way to express your love too! Haha!~I have always wanted to be a songwriter as long as I can remember ... The poet is always innate and nascent to begin with ... Suddenly the chrysalis and the metamorphosis occur in that momentous paradigm ... That is just about all I can say about me ... I hope you know when your time comes to soar ... and I wish you good luck!!!____________
I think celebrities are probably hounded too much ... I am glad I do not have to be beautiful ALL the time! hahaha! I feel sorry for my friends that cannot relax knowing someone is out there with a camera so far away that you cannot even see them ... That is really creepy!! ... I really think it is alright to be friends with all kinds of people ... There is very little real love left in the world if you ask me ... The older I get, the more I realize that love is all we can take with us to the next life ...
Please write to my friend ESTAMOS VIVO who is in Baghdad, Iraq right now thinking about his wife and children every day ... I thank you in advance!~
Gracias mi amigo Carlos! Encantado de conocerlo!
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I am a road warrior, raconteur, minstrel, jester, vagabond, balladeer, artist, and ingenuous gentleman ... I am an entertainer ... I am an empath ... Most of all I am humble! (and perhaps a little funny-looking!)
My Blog
HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL MY FRIENDS!I sent these lyrics to my friend MK, so I post them here now for your perusal as well. She inspired me, so I must give credit where credit is due. This is not actually...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Nov 2008 17:51:00 GMT
Her Picture
Her PictureI carry her picture and now the world will see what she was really worth I will write a thousand lines trying to describe the kind of life she deserved When I hold her picture I see a ...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Nov 2008 06:03:00 GMT
Paul McCartney and Britney Spears big winners at MTV Europe Music Awards
http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/story/0,26278... McCartney named Ultimate Legend Britney Spears wins top awards Pictures: MTV Europe Music AwardsFORMER Beatle Paul McCartney stole the sh...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Nov 2008 08:58:00 GMT
My comment for Cheech and Chong at the fan club page
Greetings Tommy!I see in your comment line that Phillip Melton has read the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comics enough to remember the most profound statement Franklin probably ever said... besides t...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 04:26:00 GMT
Myspace.com Blogs - CONTROVERSY - ELLIOTT RANDALL MySpace Blog
I have to agree completely with my friend Elliott on this one... if one has gone to a place of higher learning to learn something... perhaps they ...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 14:05:00 GMT
Azure Blue
Azure Blue
Her eyes were so beautiful& like two pools of azure blue
I know when I told her so I tried to tell the truth
When I looked through those windows I know she saw my soul
Her eyes were so beau...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 15:25:00 GMT
Drifter and Dreamer
Drifter and Dreamer
I want the one that I can't have and I wonder why I do that
She doesn't mean to make me sad
just a friend for life is all I am
I only want to do what's right
I don't want to...
Posted by on Mon, 14 May 2007 22:31:00 GMT
Shining On
Shining On
I saw the lines on the road ahead
I tried to remember what somebody said
The lights on my horizon keep shining on
When I run a long way down a lonely road
I learn the lay of t...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 15:50:00 GMT
The Dagger
The Dagger
I let you tell me what you want
Every time I tried your love died
Now I can't tell you what I need
You are too content to let me bleed
Your dagger is drawn so cold and long
Posted by on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 08:29:00 GMT
Potter's Field
Potter's Field
When he was just a young boy he believed in true love
He learned early in his life true love would always be enough
When the world kicked that sand in his face
He never held a grudge b...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 11:44:00 GMT