Sports of all kinds, fast cars, jeepin, ridin my Harley, live bands, sports, photography/design, my dog, have I mentioned sports yet..?
PAUl WaLKer!! MicHAEl JOrDan - KeN GRiffEY JR - DaN MaRiNo - and GOD!!!
NIRVANa, GREEN DAy, LED BETTER HEIGHTs!!, AERoSMITh, STP, FINGEr11, The BEaTLEs, the list could go on and on. You just ain't gunna find you no country on
Comedy, Romance, Action, Horror...
SEINFELd,Seinfeld, and more SEINfelD...can't ever watch an episode too many times. American Idol, C.S.I, whatever, whatever....