I'd Like to Meet..........The guy who decided to give this girl a .50 cal and not explain how to brace herself, and then I would punch him in the face! Then watch the video again and laugh our heads off!Gun pwns Girl
Add to My Profile | More VideosThis guy, and shake his hand for the best prank ever!Gun Scare Prank
Plus, some of my greatest inspirations: Adam Sandler, Jim Carey, Heath Andrew Ledger (RIP), Micheal Buble, John C. Reiley, Ed Belfour, Nat Kind Cole, Joaquien Phoenix (sp?), Jonny Depp, M. Night Shamylan (sp?), Will Ferrell, Ewen McGregor, Russel Crowe, Jean Sabastian Giguere, Tom Hanks, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Dane Cook, Denzel Washington, Jon Travolta, Mel Gibson, and The Famous Tyler Marik #44.... O wait! He's my brother! Knucks for free future baseball tix!