5 years ago; my life was the complete opposite of what it is now. I took a huge chance making the decisions I have and thus far they have been paying off. I'm just a boy from Upstate NY trying to make the people who said it wasn't possible eat their words. A little bit about me: I'm back living in West Hollywood and producing mostly reality TV these days, I write freelance for magazines or really any publication that wants to pay me (ha), I did a bit of club promoting and throwing events at various nightclubs in West Hollywood & Silverlake, I also report for several entertainment blogs, Some would consider me a "homolebrity", I am a fantastic texter and a master drunk texter, I love horror movies, I have a huge crush on Eva Longoria (the only woman I would ever be with), I used to weight 548 but thankfully for gastric bypass I have lost 348 pds, I like cheese; of all kinds, I am obsessed with Buffy The Vampire Slayer, I enjoy walks on the beach (cheesy I know), I have a plethora of catch phrases, and well I enjoy a drink or two from time to time! Wanna know more, just ask! Thanks again for being apart of my MYSPACE family!
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