About Me
Softkey Left softkey RightI am a star seed beamed in from a constellation somewhere between Pleiades and Orion. There are many of such beings mixing with the human colony here: lightworkers, star-seeds, walk-ins and aliens......a lot of us are performing or visual artists, writers, etc ........ In western astrology I am Aquarius with rising scorpio. My Chinese zodiac is the FIRE PIG : (Active, outgoing and extroverted, Fire Pigs breathe new life into everything they do. These Pigs are vivid, motivated individuals who cannot be deterred from a goal once they have set it. They are emotional and passionate about their loved ones, their occupations and their objectives. They are bold and vivacious, unafraid to take risks despite the consequences. They make great bosses because they do work so hard and because they are so spirited. But don’t doublecross a Fire Pig. They have the ability to be quite abrasive when things do not quite turn out as they planned.)..............In Mayan astrology I am Blue Planetary Storm - Yellow Southern Castle of Giving - Earth family - Gateway Clan- Sky : I perfect in order to catalyze / Producing energy/ I seal the matrix of self-generation / With the planetary tone of manifestation / I am guided by the power of accomplishment...........My name here on Gaia is the ENERGY SCULPTOR and the LIGHWARRIOR 2012. I was integrated here with Scottish and English genetics under the name JOHN ( friend of God) ARTHUR and SWAN which all precede the name MELVILLE.......I am a director and teacher, healer and a comedian, clown-performer and actor, mimic and mime, writer and lover..............I have been an entertainer for the last 35 years. I have had my share of fame and managed to survive it . Buddhism and a serious accident in 1993 have kept my feet on the ground. Now I am making films both as actor and director/writer and eventually some of these will be up here as examples(see under HTTP://JOHNNY-MELVILLE.COM) ..............I am also an energy-worker and treat energy fields in one-on-one sessions - see my site (HTTP;//ENERGY-SCULPTOR.COM) .........I am also a chanting-buddhist and celebrate the Lotus Sutra gladly every day : personified by NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO .....To quote an important internet blogger and writer - BARBABRA HAND CLOW IN HER ASTROFLASH page she says this about using time and energy - NOTICE THIS AND CHECK OUT HER SITE - http://www.handclow2012.com/astroflash.htm "The modern calendar abuses our consciousness! The time to make plans for each year is during the Spring Equinox, not during the so-called "New Year". The most philosophical and spiritual time of the year is the Winter Solstice, which is reduced to addictions and consumerism by Christmas shopping, eating, and drinking. In fact, December 21st to March 21st, the last quarter of the year, is our yearly completion time. The special days and nights right before the Winter Solstice are the most mystical time of the year, and we should meditate for hours during this time. Then when the Sun is in Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces before the Spring Equinox, we should be deepening our understandings of all the things we have learned during the last nine months-the previous Spring Equinox to the Winter Solstice.
The Spring Equinox is the time to identify the intentions we wish to fulfill during the four seasons. Ideas correctly seeded at the Spring Equinox manifest for a year, and I will offer instructions for correctly seeding ideas and manifesting them through the rest of the seasons. During the Summer Solstice, the time has arrived to birth these ideas into recognizable form, like a forming fetus. The Fall Equinox is the time to flesh out, balance, and assess these creations and to weed things out that just are not working. Then the Winter Solstice is the time to enter into deep contemplation to imagine how our personal creations assist others and the planet.
The Winter Solstice is the time to be brutally honest and evaluate whether our ideas enhance others or whether they may actually be detrimental for evolution. A sweet elixir of knowing comes the day of the Winter Solstice when the light begins to return, and each one of us can put greater realities above our personal desires. It is no accident that in Western cultures commercial Christmas is inserted just when people are amazingly psychic and attuned! I suggest you cancel Santa Claus during the Winter Solstice and spend three months reflecting on what you’ve created during the year."......................The music playing is from the CD the Rogue Planet - based on the arrival of Nibiru, which I created with Arjen Hogendorp the first song called FEEL YA REAL STRONG and the second WARRIORS OF LIGHT . The last is a piece of music from my one of my 5 different one-man shows called DIRTY MONEY (written by myself and Matt Mitler) which I performed withe Rule of Three band across Europe in the 80s/90s - the line up THE RULE OF THREE band.........................Luigi Ranghino ..boards.....Claudio Saveriano on drums......Paolo Zucchetti on bass & guitars.......Johnny Melville on trumpet............