(ejane typing cause i can't really speak on here bout my cousin. so anyway.) is one in a million she's smart. beautiful. head strong. hardworking. out-spoken. funny. family oriented. kind. caring. and very helpful. that's what someone would say if they weren't related to her. I think Val is hilarious. she says the most randomest and most medium witty come backs ever and that to me makes her retarded but the type of retarded everyone wouldn't mind having around. actually the type of retarded everyone wants around cause if i never get sick of her you wouldn't either. the times we're supposed to be serious she's always the one that gets me introuble for laughing. is it my fault? no its Val's. but i love her with all my heart i'll always take one for the team whenever she's on my team cause theres no "i" in team only in Mississippi.
From Verna/Verns/Inay: Well since I dont have a msypace to go write u a comment.. im gonna write u a permanent one here.. Valerie is my sister and was my roommate.. I've known her for 22 years now. And for those 22 years, shes been my bully for about 15 of them. HaHa. Just kidding, balelei. Shes always been there for me & always has my back even if i dont ask her to. "What? Verna's crying? Who did it? Okay.. Ill be back." Hella regulator. Even though youve pissed me off so many times, you've made me laugh so much more. I'm lucky enough to know the nice side of val (dont get her mad.. cant say i didnt warn you). She is very beautiful, caring and independent. I admire her so much and have always looked up to her. As were getting older, I'm starting to realize how important you are in my life. Sorry for all the times I took you for granted. Thanks, Val, for everything you've done for me. I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!! MUAH!!!
From Ate Baning/Ates/Baning Bride: So where should I start? I wanted to be included in the "dedications to Val" so I decided to write you one also...I've known Val since she was born but there's not enough space on here to say everything. As previously stated, Val is VERY beautiful, sexy, loving, independent, & hilarious! Val always finds a way to make you laugh. She's the right person to go to when you're feeling down (or even when you're not). Recently, we've been hanging out a lot and I've really missed those times when we did with out & about part 1. I'm glad I'm able to see her more often now...more memories!!! Val, you know that I'll always be here for you. Like when you were younger, you'd come crying to me and I'd feel hurt (I guess that's how it is when you unconditionally love someone). There was one particular time when that happened and I, out of all people, called and started yelling at the person...and you know me, I'm not the type of person to do that. But I felt like I had to protect you. Well, Balelei, you know who to go to if someone's bothering you =P I better stop there before this becomes a novel. LOVE YOU MUCH!!!
From Melissa/Babes/Skins: Val, I know you're thinking, "Damn, it's about time!" Haha and yes, I do agree, it IS about time I wrote on your "About Me". To be honest, I cannot tell you, or anyone, who you are, but, I CAN say who you are to ME. I've known Val, well, since I was born. As stated in the past 2 descriptions, she is VERY beautiful, loving, independent, and goshdarn HILARIOUS. When I have/had problems, Val (along with my other cousins) is/was always there to listen. I could talk to her about anything...maybe because we relate in so many damn ways. Over the past 5 or so months, I've grown closer to Val. We've all gotten closer. I learned so many things from her and about her. We had so many "adventures" haha and hopefully more to come. She is very outgoing, down to earth, and spon-tan-you-ous. haha. get it? Anyway, Val is someone you can count on. She's been there for me whenever I needed her, and not once did she ever complain. [at least not that i know of =P ] Well Val, you know who to go to if you have any problems or if you just need to talk. WE'RE ALL HERE FOR YOU!!! we LOVE YOU!!! IIII LOVE YOU!!! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!! WHACHU STARING AT? I AINT A MIRRRRUHH!!!